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Kevin Bayliss


Kevin Bayliss is a former Rare Ltd. employee, voice actor and character designer, primarily known for his work on Killer Instinct, Battletoads (video game), and Perfect Dark Zero video games. He is also known for being the original voice for both Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong Country) and James Bond (Goldeneye 007). Bayliss is currently pursuing a career in musical writing and producing.

==Alternative views==

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, German scholar Johann Albrecht Bengel, and Spanish Historian Juan Antonio Llorente, indicated that they believed the executions of the Inquisition could have reached into the millions.[1] [2] This was a somewhat common viewpoint in the mid 1800's as even famous French author, Victor Hugo, believed these numbers stating, "Yes, they tried to rehabilitate the Inquisition, the Inquisition which made perish in the flames five million men!" [3] In more recent times, some researchers such as Dr David Plaisted, have contended that the number of executions could have reached tens of millions, citing 18th century historians and some Protestant sources such as Dowling's "History of Romanism".[4] Mainstream historians tend to disregard these claims, however, citing systematic studies of the court transcripts and other records, as well as the fact that any figure reaching the tens of millions would be unlikely considering population sizes and the small number of tribunals presumed to be in operation at any given point in time.[5] Carlo Ginzburg, an Italian renaissance expert and author, has repeatedly expressed his doubts about many historical studies from both sides of the debate regarding the atrocities of the Inquisition. In writing his book, Ecstasies, Ginzburg stated that he "found himself up against formidable methodological problems", regarding the validity of many inquisitorial sources.[6] Ginzburg, when presented the Vatican official court transcripts, stated "in many cases we don't have the evidence, the evidence has been lost." Nevertheless, the validity of Inquisition statistics remain a contentious topic among various religious and philosophical circles.

Alternative Views


Some authors, such as David Plaisted, have contended that the number of executions could have reached tens of millions, citing protestant sources such as Dowling's "History of Romanism".[7] However, Plaisted does not use the Vatican official court transcripts and instead relies upon various records from 17th century researchers, of which most are not taken seriously by mainstream historians. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, German scholar Johann Albrecht Bengel, and Spanish Historian Juan Antonio Llorente, indicated that they believed the executions of the inquisition reached into the millions.[8] [9]This was a somewhat common viewpoint in the mid 1800's as even famous French author, Victor Hugo, believed these numbers stating, "Yes, they tried to rehabilitate the Inquisition, the Inquisition which made perish in the flames five million men!" [10] Modern historians disregard these claims, however, citing systematic studies of the actual court transcripts and other records, as well as the fact that any figure reaching the tens of millions would be highly unlikely considering population sizes and the small number of tribunals presumed to be in operation at any given point in time.[11] Nevertheless it remains a point of contention among some religious groups.



Some authors, such as David Plaisted, have contended that the number of executions could have reached tens of millions, citing protestant sources such as Dowling's "History of Romanism".[12] However, Plaisted does not use the Vatican official court transcripts and instead relies upon various records from 17th century researchers, of which most are not taken seriously by mainstream historians. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, German scholar Johann Albrecht Bengel, and Spanish Historian Juan Antonio Llorente, indicated that they believed the executions of the inquisition reached into the millions.[13] [14]This was a somewhat common viewpoint in the mid 1800's as even famous French author, Victor Hugo, believed these numbers stating, "Yes, they tried to rehabilitate the Inquisition, the Inquisition which made perish in the flames five million men!" <ref>Oui, ils ont essayé de réhabiliter l'inquisition, l'inquisition qui a fait périr dans les flammes cinq millions d'hommes!- Les discours célèbres: Nouvelle édition augmentée

  1. ^ Some have computed, that, from the year 1518 to 1548, fifteen million of Protestants have perished by war and the Inquisition. This may be overcharged, but certainly the number of them in these thirty years, as well as since is almost incredible. To these we may add innumerable martyrs, in ancient, middle, and late ages, in Bohemia, Germany, Holland, France, England, Ireland, and many other parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. (from the commentary on the book of Revelation Wesley�s �Explanatory Notes on the New Testament,� fifth edition, 1788), . -Quoting from Bengel.)
  2. ^ According to Llorente, this fearful tribunal [the inquisition] cost Spain�alone 2,000,000 of lives, and the amount of torments suffered by these, and the other victims of papal persecution, was probably greater than that of all the generations that ever lived and died in God�s appointed way, by natural death. -The Glorious Reformation: Discourse in Commemoration of the Glorious Reformation of the 16th Century by Samuel Simon Schmucker
  3. ^ Oui, ils ont essayé de réhabiliter l'inquisition, l'inquisition qui a fait périr dans les flammes cinq millions d'hommes!- Les discours célèbres: Nouvelle édition augmentée By Hugo, Victor"
  4. ^ http://www.cs.unc.edu/~plaisted/estimates.html
  5. ^ http://thecripplegate.com/how-many-people-died-in-the-inquisition/
  6. ^ http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2003-07-11-ginzburg-en.html
  7. ^ http://www.cs.unc.edu/~plaisted/estimates.html
  8. ^ Some have computed, that, from the year 1518 to 1548, fifteen million of Protestants have perished by war and the Inquisition. This may be overcharged, but certainly the number of them in these thirty years, as well as since is almost incredible. To these we may add innumerable martyrs, in ancient, middle, and late ages, in Bohemia, Germany, Holland, France, England, Ireland, and many other parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. (from the commentary on the book of Revelation Wesley�s �Explanatory Notes on the New Testament,� fifth edition, 1788), . -Quoting from Bengel.)
  9. ^ According to Llorente, this fearful tribunal [the inquisition] cost Spain�alone 2,000,000 of lives, and the amount of torments suffered by these, and the other victims of papal persecution, was probably greater than that of all the generations that ever lived and died in God�s appointed way, by natural death. -The Glorious Reformation: Discourse in Commemoration of the Glorious Reformation of the 16th Century by Samuel Simon Schmucker
  10. ^ Oui, ils ont essayé de réhabiliter l'inquisition, l'inquisition qui a fait périr dans les flammes cinq millions d'hommes!- Les discours célèbres: Nouvelle édition augmentée By Hugo, Victor"
  11. ^ http://thecripplegate.com/how-many-people-died-in-the-inquisition/
  12. ^ http://www.cs.unc.edu/~plaisted/estimates.html
  13. ^ Some have computed, that, from the year 1518 to 1548, fifteen million of Protestants have perished by war and the Inquisition. This may be overcharged, but certainly the number of them in these thirty years, as well as since is almost incredible. To these we may add innumerable martyrs, in ancient, middle, and late ages, in Bohemia, Germany, Holland, France, England, Ireland, and many other parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. (from the commentary on the book of Revelation Wesley�s �Explanatory Notes on the New Testament,� fifth edition, 1788), . -Quoting from Bengel.)
  14. ^ According to Llorente, this fearful tribunal [the inquisition] cost Spain�alone 2,000,000 of lives, and the amount of torments suffered by these, and the other victims of papal persecution, was probably greater than that of all the generations that ever lived and died in God�s appointed way, by natural death. -The Glorious Reformation: Discourse in Commemoration of the Glorious Reformation of the 16th Century by Samuel Simon Schmucker