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User:Brambleclawx/List of SkyClan cats

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The following is one of several lists of characters in Warriors, a novel series written by Erin Hunter. This page is a list of cats who are a part of "SkyClan", as outlined in the allegiances section (character list) of the book(s).

SkyClan is the fifth Clan of the original forest territories, a fact that is unknown to all living Clan cats except for Firestar and Sandstorm. Their territory used to be located where the Twolegplace (the cats' word for town or city) of Firestar's birth currently sits, and they have the unique ability to jump onto branches of trees, a technique that has been passed on to some kittypets and rogues in the rocky canyon. SkyClan were driven out when their part of the forest was excavated to create a Twolegplace (town). SkyClan appealed to the other Clans for help, but none of them wanted to redivide their territory and as such, SkyClan was forced to leave the forest. Birdflight (Cloudstar,a former SkyClan leaders, mate) stayed with ThunderClan with her two kits, Spottedpelt and Gorseclaw, as they were too young to travel. This caused some of ThunderClan's current cats to have SkyClan blood. The rest of SkyClan traveled north along the river before finally settling in a rocky canyon. Before long, however, an intelligent rat pack attacked and killed most of the Clan, forcing the remnants to scatter across the nearby forest and Twolegplaces.[1]

Modern SkyClan was reformed when Firestar set out to reunite the lost descendants of the Clan during Firestar's Quest throughout the nearby area. Having drove off the rat pack, SkyClan currently lives at peace.[1] They also appear in SkyClan's Destiny which tells about them after they were reunited and Firestar and Sandstorm had left.[2]

Current SkyClan




A small tortoiseshell and white she-cat, Cherrytail was a former kittypet named Cherry, and teased Skywatcher for his strange behaviors, but later learns she is a SkyClan cat and becomes Cherrypaw, mentored by Sharpclaw. At the end of Firestar's Quest she receives her warrior name, and mentors Rockshade. She is the sister of Sparrowpelt. She is very brave, excitable, and lively.



A very pale gray--almost white--she-cat with blue eyes, Petalnose was a former kittypet named Petal who was rescued by Firestar, Sandstorm, and SkyClan from an abusive Twoleg. Her mate is Rainfur, who died in the battle with the rats, and her two kits are Mintkit and Sagekit. After she was rescued she decided to stay in SkyClan with her mate and serve as a warrior once her kits were ready to be apprenticed, though her mate died shortly after in the battle against the rats. [1]



A silver-gray tabby she-cat with tiny dark gray paws and green eyes and a white chest and a fluffy tail, Echosong was a former kittypet named Echo with no trace of SkyClan characteristics, but was given the role of SkyClan's medicine cat after she began to have dreams of the ancient SkyClan and StarClan. At first she was unsure of interpreting dreams from her warrior ancestors, but later grew into her role as a medicine cat. Later, Fawnstep, the medicine cat of SkyClan at the time of its exile, said she would be sharing dreams with her, implying that Fawnstep would be Echosong's mentor, in the way that Leafpool was Willowshine's mentor when Mothwing could not teach her about StarClan.[1]



Leafstar, a brown and cream tabby she-cat with amber eyes, was a rogue named Leaf before she came to SkyClan. After she joined, Firestar gave her the warrior name of Leafdapple, and she mentored Sparrowpelt. StarClan later chose Leafdapple to be leader because of her thoughtful personality and understanding of the warrior code. Firestar at first doesn't feel comfortable with her being the leader, but he realizes how perceptive she is when she tells him that she knows his first loyalty is to his own Clan at home. During her leader ceremony, the ancient leaders of the four Clans come together to give her four of her nine lives as an apology to SkyClan for driving them out. Leafstar is also in love with Billystorm, a daylight-warrior, and they became mates. They have Firekit (named after Firestar), Stormkit (named after Sandstorm), and Harrykit (named after Sol's kittypet's name, Harry).



A black-and-white tom with green eyes, Patchfoot was formerly a rogue named Patch. Due to a rat attack, his shoulder was injured. When he recovered, thanks to Spottedleaf showing Sandstorm and Firestar how to treat rat bites with burdock root, Patchfoot joined the fight against the rats. At the end of Firestar's Quest, he mentors Bouncepaw, who later turns into Bouncefire.[1] In SkyClan's Destiny, Clovertail is expecting his kits.[2]



A scarred, very old, dark gray tom with matted fur and pale blue eyes, Skywatcher was also known as Moony. Skywatcher was an old cat who was the last true warrior of SkyClan, named Sky, until Firestar and Sandstorm rebuilt SkyClan. He was the one to show them around SkyClan territory. He died in his sleep, but Firestar believes that he wanted to live to see SkyClan rebuilt. He returns to give Leafstar one of her nine lives and he is also the cat to inform Firestar of the Power of Three prophecy: "There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws."[1][3]



A dark ginger tabby tom with broad shoulders and green eyes. Sharpclaw was first a rogue named Scratch. After he joined SkyClan he received his warrior name Sharpclaw. He is interested when Firestar mentioned that leaders have 9 lives. He was a mentor to Cherrytail and is currently SkyClan's deputy



A dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes, Sparrowpelt was formerly a kittypet named Boris. He and his sister Cherrytail teased Skywatcher for his strange behaviors. Later, however, he learns he is a SkyClan cat and becomes Sparrowpaw and was mentored by Leafdapple. In the end he receives his warrior name and mentors Tinycloud.[1]



A light gray tom with dark gray flecks, Rainfur was formerly a rogue. At first, he didn't want to join SkyClan but later was forced to ask for the Clan's help to rescue his mate, Petal, from her cruel Twoleg owner. In the end, he decided to join SkyClan but was killed in the battle against the rats. He appeared in Leafstar's leader ceremony to reassure Firestar that his death wasn't his fault. He is also the father of Mintpaw and Sagepaw.[1]



A light brown she-cat with a white belly and legs and green eyes, Clovertail was formerly a loner named Clover. She first met Firestar and Sandstorm while defending her kits against a fox. Afterwards, she joins SkyClan, but initially only for protection. In the end, her loyalty for SkyClan is proven when she fought in the battle against the rats. Apparently, she is partly descended from RiverClan, given that she is an avid swimmer and the fact that Firestar saw that Birchstar and Heavystep looked very much like Clovertail at Leafstar's leader ceremony. She is the mother of Rockshade, Bouncefire, and Tinycloud. She is now expecting Patchfoot's kits.[1]



A black tom with a torn ear, Rockshade is one of the three kits of Clovertail's litter, formerly a loner named Rock. His mentor is Cherrytail. His warrior name is revealed to be Rockshade in SkyClan's Destiny.[2]



A white she-cat with deep blue eyes, Tinycloud is one of the three kits of Clovertail's litter, formerly a loner named Tiny. Her mentor is Sparrowpelt. Her warrior name, Tinycloud, is revealed in SkyClan's Destiny.[2] When she is given her warrior name, she disproves of it. She says she is no longer tiny and should be named differently. Later, she approves of it, knowing that it is part of the warrior naming ritual.



A ginger tom, Bouncefire is one of the three kits of Clovertail's litter, formerly a loner named Bounce. His mentor is Patchfoot. His warrior name is revealed to be Bouncefire in SkyClan's Destiny.[2]



Sagepaw is a pale gray tom (listed as a she-cat in the allegiances). He is named after the sage in his former Twoleg's garden. He is one of Petalnose and Rainfur's two kits, formerly a kittypet named Sage. His sister is Mintpaw. Erin Hunter said that Sagepaw did become a warrior after SkyClan's Destiny, but they forgot what his warrior name was. He is revealed to be Petalnose's apprentice in SkyClan's Destiny.[2] His warrior name is rumored to be Sagewhisker, the same as the ancient ShadowClan medicine cat.



Mintfur is a gray tabby she-cat (listed as a tom in the allegiances). She is named after the mint in her former Twoleg's garden. She is one of Petalnose and Rainfur's two kits, formerly a kittypet named Mint. Her brother is Sagepaw. Her warrior name is revealed to be Mintfur. She is Waspwhisker's apprentice at the time of SkyClan's Destiny.[2]



Lichenfur is a former loner that refused to join SkyClan in Firestar's Quest,[1] but joined sometime between that book and SkyClan's Destiny.[2] In Firestar's Quest, her name was Lichen.[1] She is described as a mottled gray she-cat with amber eyes.



Tangle is a bad-tempered rogue that comes to the SkyClan territory occasionally for shelter in SkyClan's Destiny.[2] He refused to listen to Firestar's offer to join SkyClan in Firestar's Quest.[1] But a little later on he decided to join SkyClan as an elder. He is described as a large tabby tom with ragged fur and amber eyes.



Long-legged, sleek, cream-colored tom with blue eyes and a shredded ear. He joined SkyClan after Sharpclaw told him the fox was staying there for good. His mentor was Sharpclaw.



Gray and white tom with a scar that wraps around his belly down to his tail. Formely a lost kittypet until SkyClan found him. His mate is Fallowfern and his kits are Nettlekit, Plumkit, Rabbitkit, and Creekkit. In the allegiances of SkyClan's Destiny, he is mistakenly called Hunchfoot because his name was changed at the last moment.



Skinny black tom. He is from the same twoleg house as Petalnose and her kits. He never told anyone where he was from and was nervous very often. Later on, the Clan attacked his former twoleg owner. At the end of SkyClan's Destiny, Leafstar said that Shrewtooth had gone from being extremely nervous, to one of her best warriors.[2]



Ebonyclaw is a striking black she-cat. She puts a wad of moss inbetween her neck and her kittypet collar, to keep it from making sound while hunting. She is a daylight-warrior. She was also Frecklepaw's original mentor.



Billystorm is a ginger and white tom with green eyes, and he is a daylight-warrior. He is in love with Leafstar. He also has kits with Leafstar



Harveymoon is a white tom with a broad back, and a daylight-warrior. He was banned from the clan for one moon along with Macgyver for arguing with Sharpclaw, saying that since they were not going to be sleeping in the caves, they should not have to clean them out. He comes back a much better warrior, along with Macgver. In an exclusive SkyClan Manga, he chases out 2 dogs with Macgyver, showing their true loyalty.



Macgyver is a black and white tom, and a daylight-warrior. He was banned from the Clan for one moon along with Harveymoon for not helping clean the dens, saying that they wouldn't be sleeping there, so they shouldn't have to help clean them. It is said that he never took a warrior name.



Mottled light brown tabby she-cat with spotted legs, and a daylight-warrior. She was originally Ebonyclaw's apprentice, but was later changed to the apprenticeship of Echosong, for training as a medicine cat. She was at first not accepted to be a medicine cat apprentice, because she was a daylight-warrior and wasn't there half of the time. In a manga at the end of SkyClan's Destiny it shows her full medicine cat name, Frecklewish.[2]



Pale brown she-cat with blue eyes. She is the mother of Waspwhisker's kits: Rabbitkit, Creekkit, Nettlekit, and Plumkit. In a manga at the end of SkyClan's Destiny it skips ahead and shows the kits getting their warrior names: Nettlesplash, Creekfeather, Plumwillow, and Rabbitleap.[2]


Birdpaw is a black she-cat with green eyes. She is shown to be bright and cheerful. She is Clovertail's and Patchfoot's son and the sister of Honeypaw ans Sandypaw


Honeypaw is a pale she-cat. She is the sister of Birdpaw and Sandypaw and the daughter of Clovertail and Patchfoot.


Sandypaw is a gray cat with darker gray legs and ears, her gender is unknown but suspected by most fans as a she-cat. She is the sister of Birdpaw and Sandypaw and the daughter of Clovertail and Patchfoot.

Former SkyClan Members


Cats that were at one time a part of SkyClan then left.



A brown tabby tom with amber eyes, Shortwhisker was formerly a kittypet named Hutch. During his time in SkyClan, Shortwhisker was nervous around other cats, similar to Ravenpaw in ThunderClan. He overcame his fear and fought in the battle against the rats. After the battle, he realizes that Clan life isn't suited for him, a decision that Firestar and Leafstar respect, and reverts back to Hutch. Hutch also promised to spread the word to other cats about SkyClan.[1]



Black and white tom. Former day-light warrior. He left to be a kittypet after he saw the look of hate in the twolegs eyes when they were trying to help the twoleg kit. He said he was a kittypet, and twolegs were not his enemy. He left right after he got his warrior name. Also a SkyClan descendant.



Brown tom with yellow eyes and a torn ear. Stick joined SkyClan but when it was time for his warrior naming, he decided to keep his name. He stayed at his twolegplace after the battle with Dodge. Father to Red and former mate of Velvet.



Brown tom with a stub for a tail and amber eyes. Shorty joined SkyClan but when it was time for his warrior naming, he decided to keep his name, similar to what Stick did. He stayed at his twolegplace after the battle with Dodge.



Black tom with amber eyes and a long coat. Coal joined SkyClan but when it was time for his warrior naming, he decided to keep his name. He stayed at his twolegplace after the battle with Dodge.



Black she-cat with a ripped ear. Cora joined SkyClan but when it was time for her warrior naming, she kept her own name. She stayed at her twolegplace after the battle with Dodge

Ancient SkyClan Cats


Not much is known about the ancient SkyClan cats, who were driven out of the forest by Twolegs, as not many details were added. There are more cats, but some of their names are not mentioned in the book.



A small, light pale gray tom with white patches like clouds, huge water-blue eyes, thorn-sharp claw tips, and a neat, well-shaped head, Cloudstar was the leader of SkyClan when they were driven from the forest. Cloudstar and his Clan used to live in what is now the Twolegplace and were forced to leave the forest because of human developments over that area, despite asking other Clans for assistance. Cloudstar's mate, Birdflight stayed behind with ThunderClan because of her kits. Cloudstar came into Firestar's dreams to plead for help and to tell him that he must rebuild SkyClan, and also visited the dreams of Firestar's old friend Smudge, whose house is situated over the place where the SkyClan camp used to be. In the end, SkyClan was rebuilt and Cloudstar comes to give Leafstar one of her nine lives and reunites with Birdflight, as well as their kits, Spottedpelt and Gorseclaw.[1][4]



Cloudstar's deputy, a ginger tom with green eyes. His warrior name is Buzzardtail. He becomes leader after Cloudstar, according to SkyClan's Destiny.[2]



SkyClan's medicine cat when SkyClan was driven out of the forest, a small light brown tabby she-cat with a white chest and paws.



Birdflight was a beautiful, long-furred light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes. Birdflight was Cloudstar's mate, and stayed behind in ThunderClan to save her kits, Spottedpelt and Gorseclaw.



Fernpelt was a dark brown tabby she-cat.



Mousefang was a sand-colored she-cat with green eyes.



Nightfur was a black tom with a gray muzzle.



A gray tabby tom, his revealed warrior name is Oakstep in SkyClan's Destiny.[2]



Slender tortoiseshell she-cat. She is Gorseclaw's sister. Stayed in ThunderClan when SkyClan left the forest, since they were tiny kits, unable to make any journey. Said to bear a very strong resemblance to Spottedleaf, and she is related to Spottedleaf and Tigerstar.



Dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes. He is Spottedpelt's brother. He stayed in ThunderClan when SkyClan left the forest, since they were tiny kits, unable to make any journey. Said to bear a very strong resemblance to Tigerstar, and is related to both Tigerstar and Spottedleaf.



Last leader of Ancient SkyClan. Spiderstar was a dark brown tabby tom.



Last deputy of Ancient SkyClan. Honeyleaf was a ginger tabby she-cat with green eyes.



Last medicine cat of Ancient SkyClan. Brackenheart was a young brown tabby tom.

Minor SkyClan Characters


The following are characters in SkyClan that have a minor part in the Warriors series.

Minor Characters in SkyClan
Name Pelt Color Description
Beechstar ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Former leader of SkyClan. Mothpelt is his son. Even though Maplewhisker is deputy, he wants Mothpelt to become leader. He wants Mothpelt to take revenge on RiverClan. Now a member of StarClan.
Birchstar ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Leader of SkyClan when the first code is established. Also agrees on the second code.
Darkstar ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Leader of SkyClan when the thirteenth code is established. He is on his last life when he decides to give Vinestar part of SkyClan's territory because ThunderClan has new kits. Raincloud jumps on the Great Rock and challenges him but loses. After their argument, Darkstar declares that a leader's word is the warrior code.
Hawkstar ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Leader of SkyClan when the tenth code is added. Reedstar and he are ignoring each other on the night of the Gathering the tenth code is added. Fights against ShadowClan until Ripplestar dies and Finchstar declares the tenth code.
Lowbranch ? Skywatcher's mother.
Maplestar ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. She is the deputy of SkyClan as Maplewhisker but did not become leader because Beechstar wants Mothpelt to become leader. After Mothpelt needs saving, Robinwing and the rest of SkyClan believes she should be leader, Maplestar.
Mothpelt ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. His father is Beechstar. He was not deputy when Beechstar dies but Beechstar tells him to lead SkyClan and attack RiverClan for Beechstar's death. Robinwing tries to stop him but he wants to avenge his father's death. Because of this, he needs to be saved. Maplewhisker takes leadership because she is deputy.
Mottlepaw Black and white Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Apprentice of SkyClan when the eleventh code was added. Apprentice and son to Poppycloud. He accidentally crosses the ThunderClan border because he couldn't smell it. Lionstar, the ThunderClan leader comes to talk to Rowanstar about it. Poppycloud suggests that there should be a code about marking the borders daily. Her suggestion becomes the eleventh code.
Nightmask ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Deputy of SkyClan when the eleventh code was added.
Oddfoot Brown with one of his paws twisted inward Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Warrior of SkyClan when the eleventh code was established.
Poppycloud Tortoiseshell Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Warrior of SkyClan when the eleventh code was added. Mentor and mother to Mottlepaw. Mottlepaw accidentally crosses the ThunderClan border because he could smell it. Lionstar, the ThunderClan leader comes to talk to Rowanstar about it. Poppycloud suggests that there should be a code about marking the borders daily. Her suggestion becomes the eleventh code.
Pricklenose ? A friend of Lowbranch.
Raincloud ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Deputy of SkyClan when the thirteenth code is added. At a Gathering, Darkstar tells Vinestar he is giving part of the territory to ThunderClan. Raincloud challenges her leader on the Great Rock, seeing if he is sure. When Rancloud loses the argument, Darkstar creates the thirteenth code.
Rainsplash ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Deputy of SkyClan when the second code is added to the warrior code.
Robinwing ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Warrior of SkyClan when the eighth code is added. He believes that SkyClan should not fight RiverClan because they could not lose any more cats. When Mothpelt falls in the river, he needs saving. He, with the rest of SkyClan, believes Maplewhisker should be leader because she is deputy. He wants the eighth code.
Rowanstar Black and brown Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Leader of SkyClan when the eleventh code is added. When Lionstar comes into the camp and asks about the borders, Poppycloud suggested the that there should be a code about marking borders daily. Her suggestion becomes the eleventh code.
Rubblepaw ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Apprentice when Maplewhisker becomes leader and Robinwing declars the eighth code. Helps pull SkyCLan cats out of the river with the help of his mentor Spiderpelt, Maplewhisker, and Robinwing.
Spiderpelt ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Warrior when Maplewhisker becomes leader and Robinwing declares the eighth code. Helps pull SkyClan cats out of the river with the help of his apprentice Rubblepaw, Maplewhisker, and Robinwing.
Squirrelfur ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Warrior when Maplewhisker becomes leader and Robinwing declars the eighth code. Almost drowns in the river but he is pulled out by Robinwing.
Twig ? Skywatcher's brother, but he went to live with Twolegs and has not been seen since.
Twigtail ? Mentioned in Code of the Clans. Medicine cat of SkyClan when the thirteenth code is established. He is at the Gathering but does not speak.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Hunter, Erin (2007) Firestar's Quest. 610pp.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Hunter, Erin (2010). SkyClan's Destiny. HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-06-169994-8.
  3. ^ Hunter, Erin. (2007) The Sight. 363pp.
  4. ^ Hunter, Erin. (2008) Cats of the Clans 91pp.

Category:Warriors (novel series) Category:Characters in children's literature Cats, SkyClan