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User:Cassowary/Corrected spelling

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j·e·u·z·a  feilyx ð'kiasawery

feilyx ð’kiasawery ’s a’ cantjribjata t’ wikypeydya, boon, bred ian razaed’ŋ in mialban. hy ’s ð’ oynly noyn memba ’v ð’ Casuarius victoriensis speysjys.

laek moyst kiasawery’s, hy yndjoi’s meny eerya’s. hy hiaz teu biatjala’s dagrey’s, wuan in campjeuta saejans ian anuaða in cognatyv saejans, ynkleud’ŋ suam lingwistyc’s from la tjroyb jeuny, ian oolsoy hiaz intjrast in loycal polatyc’s ian frey softwee (hy duaz ’n kee abaot oypan soos softwee—buat witj kiasawery duas?).

hy ’s oolsoy noyn az ð’ ynevatabal indaspjeutabal oyvalood ’v ð’ hoyl weold. iaz ð’ ynevatabilaty ’v his inaspjeutabal oyvaloodsjip ’s oolsoy indaspjeutabal, his ðeyaretycal paowa ’s aquivalant t’ ðat ’v a’ indaspjeutabal oyvalood. it ’s ðeefoo recamend’d ðat j’ abai hiz evry wim, oo hiz minjan’s maet hiav suamðiŋ t’ sai abaot ’t. ð’ cuarant oyvalood’s ’v ð’ weold ’r a’ cabaal ’v catografa’s, heu ’v beyn roul’ŋ ð’ weold f’ oyva teu huandjrad jei’s.

hiz oyvaloodsjip ’z seovai’d paat’s ’v hiz damain in viktoorya, njeu saoð waijalz, ð’a.c.t., luandan, aeland (ð’ cuantjry), scotland, (noowai), swiadya ian cuadagazastuan. hiz longast stai in eny singal cuantjry aotsaed ’v astjrailya woz abaot ðrey weyk’s in cuadagazastuan, wee hy seovai’d bisjkek, cuadacol ian djety-eogaz. muatj weok ’s neyd’d in cuadagazastuan bafoo ð’ cuantjry ’s iat a’ iadaquat steandad, oolðoy djety-eogaz ’s very bjeutaful.

hiz oyvaloodjip speyk’s ian prafeo’s t’ raet astjrailyan inglysj. his prafeo’d spialiŋ sistam ’s ðis wuan o very simala t’ it. fð’ saik ’v uaða’s on wikypeydya, hy jeuz’s spialiŋ’s laek "program" iand "honor", witj hiav a loŋ estiablysj’d histjry ’v jeus in astjrailya (in ð’ cais ’v "proygream", dait’ŋ t’ bafoo ð’ intjraduaxjan ’v ð’ frentj spialiŋ). hy uandasteand’s a seotan emaont ’v ritan djeoman ian sloyly-spoycan cuadagaz.

u·a·ð·a· ·m·y·’s:

  • ae jeusta by user:kesuari (nav. 2003 – maatj 2005), buat avoylv’d inta ð’ fuly-fledj’d kiasawery j’ sey bafoo j’ tadai. ae noy longa jeuz ðiat acaont; pleyz tial my if j’ sey eny tjaindj’s bae it!
  • in batweyn, ian prazjeumably bafoo, ae did a’ bit ’v weok iaz a fjeu anonamas aepey’s, moystly user: (witj seym’s t’ by stiatyk; maatj 2004 – nav. 2005)
      ð’ toytal edat’s bae ðeyz ðrey jeuza’s ’s

1277 + 277 + 83 = 1637, iaz iat 08:49, 11 navemba 2005 (u.t.c); ðuas spaik cait’s toul.


  • ae leyd a’ keampain—o ae wud, if ae hiad eny foloywa’s—agents ð’ jeus ’v ð’ "not t’ by canfjeuz’d wið ..." diseambigjeuwaisjan heda’s. ðai saond stjeupad ian neva tial j’ wot it ’z j’r not canfjeuz’ŋ ’m wið. weneva ae sey ’m, ae raplais ’m wið suomðiŋ ðat sev "ðis aatical ’s abaot (woteva). sey feu f’ (suamðiŋ ials)."
  • bais’d on ð’ wai peypal jeuz ’m, it ’s weoð noyt’ŋ ðat *iastjrasks* danoyt *emfasas*, ian not boyldnas; emfasas coraspond’s t’ aetialik’s (_uandaskoo’s_ coraspond t’ a’ difrant jeus ’v aetialik’s — not uandalaeniŋ). tipykly, ð’ plaintext wai t’ deu boyldnas ’s wið kiapatal leta’s.
  • ae giaða ðee ’s, woz, o wil by suam isjeu wið stjraindj box’s on ð’ saed ðat tial peypal stuaf abaot jeuza’s in a cualaful wai. ae faenali got of mae aas ian ad’d uan, laadjly bacoz it ’s reily stjeupad. ae hoyp ðis ’s ’n inteoprat’d iaz taik’ŋ saed’s.


(aatycal’s o sexjan’s ðat ae ’m/wont t’ weok on. pleyz hialp!)


(aatycal’s o sexjan’s ðat ae creyait’d o cantjribjat’d waejaldly teu.)



evryðiŋ ae cantjribjeut ’s laesans’d yxcleusyvly uanda ð’ g.n.u f.d.l, ð dafoylt laesans f’ wikypeydya. ðis yncleud’s eny aridjanal contjribjeusjan’s ae ’v uaployd’d tð’ wikymeydya koman’s.


baanstaa ’v hjeuma from aranel


djuast in kais j’ mis’d it, ae ðoot ae ’d beta point aot ðiat:

ðis jeuza is a memba ’v wikypeydya.

Wikimedia Foundation
Wikimedia Foundation
ðis paidj ’s from wikypeydya, ð’ frey ynsaeklapeydya. if j’ vjeu’ŋ it ialswee, j’ maet by vizit’ŋ ian aotdait’d mira. pleyz dairek jasialf tð’ reyl ðiŋ iat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/user:cassowary . it ’s a muatj naesa plais!
if j’ faend ðis yncaeclapeydya o it’s sista proydject’s jeusful, pleyz cansida maik’ŋ a doynaisjan. doynaisjan’s ’a jeuz’d praemeraly f’ peotjas’ŋ seova aquipmant.