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I-care Group[edit]

I-care ™ is a Belgian industrial service company created by Fabrice Brion in 2004 and specializing in predictive maintenance and reliability solutions.

In 2018, the company, headquartered in Mons, Belgium, has over 350 employees and a consolidated turnover of more than 30 million euros.

Logo of I-care Group



After 2 years working with Emerson, Fabrice Brion decided to create with Arnaud Stievenart the company I-care™. During the first two years, I-care will only have a few employees and will focus exclusively on vibration analysis in predictive maintenance for the French-speaking Belgian market (Wallonia).


The company is expanding its services by offering other predictive maintenance techniques such as lubricant analysis, thermography and ultrasound. Realizing that this is not enough to meet the needs of the market, the company will also start its reliability consulting business.


Convinced that the 4th industrial revolution is still in its infancy, and that the future will be in technological innovation, a Research and Development department is created with the aim of developing a 4.0 maintenance solution including Connected measurement tools and cloud-based data analysis software.


I-care™ opens its first subsidiary in Italy.


After 2 years of R & D, I-care™ launches the first version of I-see™, a remote vibration analysis data processing solution.


The expansion is continuing on the European market with the opening of subsidiaries in France, Poland and Germany.


I-care ™ launches its first wireless vibration and temperature measurement tools under the Wi-care™ brand name. This wireless sensor technology complements the I-see™ data processing platform launched 4 years earlier.


The company is expanding outside Europe by opening subsidiaries in Australia, South Korea and the United States of America.


I-care™ signs its first global framework contract for a major player in the food industry.


I-care™ acquires its main competitor Allied Reliability Group EMEA and becomes the largest European company in predictive maintenance and reliability solutions. Following this acquisition, the group has no fewer than 300 employees and customers in more than 40 countries worldwide.

Products and services[edit]

I-care ™ offers the following products and services:

Monitoring tools[edit]

I-care™ markets measurement tools directly related to its service offering. To do this, she works with leading market brands such as Emerson, FLIR, SDT, Hansford or Extech.

I-care™ has also developed its own measurement and analysis tools, which it markets under the Wi-care™ product line (wireless sensors) and I-see™ (Cloud-based data processing platform). . These innovative products meet the expectations of the industry market 4.0.

Predictive Analytics for Maintenance[edit]

I-care™ uses the following predictive maintenance methods: vibratory analysis, infrared thermography, ultrasonic analysis, oil analysis, laser alignment and balancing.

Reliability Solutions[edit]

I-care™ offers a global approach to its industrial customers that breaks down into several phases:

  • I-design: development of the maintenance or lubrication plan
  • I-implement: implementation of the plan and support
  • I-diagnosis: Analysis and diagnostics of production equipment
  • I-solve: Implementation of corrective measures and continuous improvement
Training & Coaching[edit]

To integrate all of its services and products, I-care™ also has a certifying training (ISO) and coaching program.

Name, logo and baseline of the company[edit]

The name I-care ™ refers directly to Greek mythology and the god Icarus, incorporating in its logo the wings of the latter.

The baseline used internally is also "The sky is the limit", reminding us that we can always progress but being careful not to burn the wings.

The name of the company can also have two other readings:

  • "I care" means in English "I take care of", making the link with the business of the company which is to take care of the health of the production equipment of its customers.
  • I-care is also the acronym for Industrial Consulting Automation Research & Engineering, which is the official name of the company.


  • https://www.icareweb.com
  • https://www.rtbf.be/info/regions/hainaut/detail_mons-i-care-la-petite-entreprise-a-le-vent-en-poupe-et-poursuit-sa-progression?id=9077612
  • https://www.sudinfo.be/art/1373103/article/2015-09-10/societe-i-care-a-mons-80-ingenieurs-engages-en-11-ans-et-20-prevus-en-2016
  • https://www.agoria.be/fr/Fusion-strategique-entre-I-Care-et-ARG-EMEA
  • https://www.lecho.be/dossier/pme-wallonie/i-care-le-dr-house-des-machines-industrielles/10073017.html
  • I-care™, Wi-care™ and I-see™ are registered trademarks of I-care sprl.