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Coppy was born in Kentucky on the exact second of the new year. His age is unknown because no can say if he is 18 or 19. He grew to be 2 foot 3 inches by the time he was five. Coppy's actuall name was Theodore Samuel Garcia Van Funder Huy. People's brain used to explode to try to remember this incredibly long name. That's why he became and orphan and moved from Kentucky to Timbucktu. In his childhood, Coppy never listened in class. His teachers got frusterated that they shot him out of a cannon. After all his misbehavior, he finally was sent to military school and was well educated. He can recite his ABK's. Anyways, Coppy grew up and amountes to absolutely nothing. He did have a job after he finished military school. It was screwing on the lids of the jelly jar containers. He was paid negative minimum wage because he put the plum jam lids on the peach jam jars. Bu suddenly, an act of kindness came forth from his manager. He was promoted to vice CEO, where he got paid 1 dollar a day to take out the garbage. One cranky morning, Coppy went to work and got promoted to CEO because the other CEO had been flying in his helicopter when out of nowhere came a giant clam and destroyed his helicopter. To make a long story short, the CEO has been in the hospital for twenty three years. Coppy then quit because his pen didn't say his name on it. After that morning, Coppy retired at age 27 after accumilating exactly -34 dollars.