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Assassination in Sarajevo

    On June 28th 1914, the heir to the Austrian Empire, Franz Ferdinand, was visiting Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. Bosina was the south-east corner of the Austrian Empire. Many people who lived there wanted to be independent and rule themselves. Ferdinand had been warned that if he went to complete his tour, it could cause trouble. He ignored the warning and went anyways. In the time it was common to travel in an open topped car. At the start of the royal tour, one of the cars in his entourage was hit by a grenade and an Austrian officer had been injured. Clearly, Sarajevo was a dangerous place to be. 

    Ferdinand did not want to leave and quit the tour because he wanted to show that his family was in control. At last minute, he changed the route of tour because he wanted to see the officer who got hurt in the hospital. The driver did not fully understand Ferdinand and they got lost. As they were trying to reverse out of the street, they got stopped by a man named Gavrilo Princip. He was a member of the Black Hand Gang, and wanted Bosina to be independent. Princip had been behind the grenade throwing at one of the cars in Ferdinand's entourage. Princip then pulled out a revolver he had on hand and shot Franz Ferdinand and his wife. As a result, they both died from the gun shots.  

    Now, how did an unpopular and disliked man's assassination lead to war? A country called Serbia was blamed by Austria for this murder. Serbia was near Bosnia and it had encouraged the Black Hand Gang and given the gang weapons. Austria decided that Serbia must be punished and planned to invade. Serbia called for Russia for it's help. They became allies. Austria called for Germany to be it's alli. More and more countries kept joining the war. Before they knew it, World War I had just begun. 

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