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Thank you much for the gracious welcome. Hope to make a few good contributions from time to time.

About me (if anyone cares):

  • Child of the movies, television, still adapting to this whole 'net thing.
  • Passionate about computer technology, Apple/Mac and PC hardware. Subscriber to Maximum PC going back to 2000, still have nearly every issue. Also nearly every issue & CD of MacAddict to 2001, plus sporadic issues Macworld to 1999. And Wired mag since 2004.
  • Trekkie for life - but plenty o' room for Star Wars, Stargate, Farscape, Sky Captain, all the rest.
  • Favorite games: Transport Tycoon Deluxe (an excellent, enduring DOS game - hence the DOSbox), and Transcendence (don't dismiss its 2D nature - it is easily one of the best space-faring games ever created)
  • Current platforms: WinXP laptop for DOSbox
  • Can't come soon enough: a 27" Quad-Core iMac with Blu-Ray... ;)

If I should happen to make a change somewhere that someone thinks I can correct, do drop me a line on my discussions page. My strengths are grammar and spelling - not the coding ( [] </> ). Thank you!