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User:David Kvatchantiradze

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David Kvachantiradze , born September 16, 1977 in Ozurgeti) is a Georgian diplomat. Best known as former (first) Secretary-General of TRACECA Intergovernmental Commission. Since January 2005 appointed Consul General of Georgia in Istanbul, Turkey. Has a rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary since 2001. In 1990 - Graduated from the Faculty of History and Law of the State University in Yaroslavl, Russia. (In years 1986-1988 he has a brake, giving due service in army). In 1995 - Graduated from Carl Duisberg College in Cologne, Germany with diploma in Social Market Economy and Public Relations. Zvıad Kvatchantiradze started his professional career with the Georgian branch of the International NGO “ICSC-World Laboratory” [1] in 1991 in Tbilisi, Georgia, taking the position of Manager of Academic Interchange Programs. In 1993 he was among the pioneers in Georgia, who introduced and promoted Public Relations and co-founded the Tbilisi Public Relations Centre, as first business supporting and promoting PR company in Georgia. In 1993 under leadership of famous Georgian conductor Jansug Kakhidze and together with other well known people in Georgia he has co-founded Tbilisi Society of Patron's of Music. Being elected Co-President of this society he contributed in founding of Tbilisi Symphony Orchestra [2]. In January 1994 he won Carl Duisberg Scholarship of the German Government and moved to Cologne, Germany. After graduating from the Carl Duisberg College he had a longterm professional practice there, including work in the German Foreign Office in Bonn. In March 1996 he returned to Georgia and joined the civil service where he started as a State Advisor in the State Chancellery of the President of Georgia. He served in the position of Director of Department of European Integration and International Relations of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. In 1997-2000 he was a member of the Committee of Deputies in the European Conference of the Ministers of Transport (ECMT), as well as a member of the Inland Transport Committee of the UN ECE. In 2000 he was elected a first Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat of the newly established intergovernmental organisation TRACECA [3], based in Baku, Azerbaijan. He personally contributed in establishing and institutional development of this international organisation. In 2002-2004 he also was a President (in office) of the Caspian International Club of Transport and Communications. In 2004 he returned to Tbilisi, Georgia and reentered the Georgian foreign service as Head of the Directorate for the Council of Europe in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia. In 2005 appointed Consul General of Georgia in Istanbul, Turkey. Speaks Georgian (native), English, German, Russian and Turkish. Married with two sons.

He shares and actively supports ideas of the Ecumenical movement. A horse riding fanatic. Owns number of works of famous and talented artists (Oil on canvas). He is a cinema fanatic as well. Adores movies of Satyajit Ray and Tengiz Abuladze.Reads some pages of most favorite books religiously every night before bedtime.