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merry renk, born Mary Gibbs (1921-2012) in Trenton, New Jersey. a modernist American jeweler




Sterling silver Reed & Barton coffee service

merry renk, born Mary Gibbs in Trenton, New Jersey

Early career


Studied painting at the School of Industrial Arts in Trenton, New Jersey from 1937 - 1942.


Silver flatware set

When the school moved to the Rochester Institute of Technology two years later, Jack and his family, which now included daughter Janet, moved along with it. It was during this time in the early '50s that Prip and the crafts movement were eagerly searching for their own style. Along with Frans Wildenhain, Tage Frid, Ronald Pearson, and others, Prip established a gallery in Rochester called Shop One. This gallery was a unique institution in its time, providing not only a business venture originated and managed by craftsmen, but also a forum for the presentation of top quality avant-garde craftwork. Its mission was to educate the public to the special beauty of handmade objects.

In 1957, after three years with Shop One, Prip again felt the need to move on. Through some fortunate connections he was hired by Reed and Barton Company, a holloware and flatware manufacturer in Massachusetts. The title invented for the role he conceived was Artist-Craftsman-Residence. He was given a workspace, materials, and access to the 900-worker factory. It was understood that Prip had a responsibility to address himself to work that might eventually profit the company, but beyond that guidance no restrictions were imposed. Prip was to stay at Reed and Barton for three years. One indication of his success there is the fact that 20 years later several of his designs are still in production.

Late career


Prip returned to teaching at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and after three years went to the [Rhode Island School of Design], where he would teach until 1981.




Silver bowl with modernist base design

1937-1942: Apprenticeship with Master Silversmith Evald Nielsen. Completed required journeyman's piece, awarded silver medal/Hertz Award Copenhagen Technical School, Diploma




Amorphic martini pitcher with serving cups

1984: Re-established studio in Rehoboth, MA

Selected exhibitions







  • John Prip: Master Metalsmith (Rhode Island School of Design, 1987).
  • Society of American Silversmiths

Category:1922 births Category:2009 deaths Category:American goldsmiths Category:American silversmiths Category:American people of Danish descent



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