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I want this to be a sandbox where I can test things out before making them public. I hope that's what I'm doing. This page [1] told me that this is what I should do. Since this is a sandbox, if anyone makes their way here from the outside world, they should consider this for what it is, just a bunch of scribbles, some of which hopefully grow up to become something someday.

For my own reference, here is some help on editing with mediawiki syntax. [2]

Draft Comment


Okay, I would like to add a comment to the talk page on the Bologna Process. Here is the draft of the comment I plan on making.

I am a student who is recently learning about the Bologna Process. I would like to add a citation for an article. I'm not sure how or where it would best fit, but I have the citation information in bibtex. The entry looks like this:

 author = {Charlotte West},
 title = {{Ripple Effects--The Bologna Process, Ten Years On}},
 journal = {International Educator},
 year = {2010},
 volume = {19},
 pages = {24-32},
 number = {6},
 month = {Nov-Dec},
 timestamp = {2011.02.05},
 url = {http://www.nafsa.org/publications/default.aspx?id=22989}

As you can see, the information on the article is all there, along with the website where a pdf of the original article can be had. If anyone could help me figure out how to best integrate this reference, that would be great. I think it could add something to the article, since it at least a credible published view of the affects of Bologna outside Europe. DocEdit (talk) 22:20, 10 February 2011 (UTC)