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User:DraculavanHelsing/Books/Spanish Armada & Anglo-Spanish War

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Spanish Armada & Anglo-Spanish War



2nd Spanish Armada
3rd Spanish Armada
Action of Faial
Action of San Mateo Bay
Alexander Farnese, Duke of Parma
Alonso Pérez de Guzmán, 7th Duke of Medina Sidonia
Anglo-Spanish War (1585–1604)
Azores Voyage of 1589
Battle of Bayona Islands (1590)
Battle of Berlengas Islands
Battle of Blaye
Battle of Cartagena de Indias (1586)
Battle of Cornwall
Battle of Flores (1591)
Battle of Flores (1592)
Battle of Guadalupe Island (1595)
Battle of Las Palmas
Battle of Pantelleria (1586)
Battle of Pinos
Battle of Ponta Delgada
Battle of Puerto Caballos (1603)
Battle of San Juan (1595)
Battle of San Juan (1598)
Battle of San Juan de Ulúa (1568)
Battle of Santo Domingo (1586)
Battle of Sesimbra Bay
Battle of São Vicente
Battle of the Barbary Coast
Battle of the Bay of Biscay (1592)
Battle of the Gulf of Almería (1591)
Battle of the Gulf of Cadiz (1604)
Battle of the Narrow Seas
Battle of the Scheldt (1574)
Battle of the Strait of Gibraltar (1590)
Battle of the Strait of Gibraltar (1591)
Blockade of Western Cuba
Capture of Cádiz
Capture of Portobello (1601)
Capture of Recife (1595)
Capture of Santiago (1585)
Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham
Conquest of the Azores
English Armada
English ship Ark Royal (1587)
English ship Revenge (1577)
Fire ship
Francis Drake
He blew with His winds, and they were scattered
Islands Voyage
John Hawkins (naval commander)
Juan Martínez de Recalde
List of ships of the Spanish Armada
Martin Frobisher
Martín de Bertendona
Miguel de Oquendo
Newfoundland expedition (1585)
Preston Somers Expedition
Raid on Puerto Caballos (1594)
Raid on St. Augustine
Raid on Tabasco (1599)
São Martinho (1580)
Sea Dogs
Singeing the King of Spain's Beard
Spanish Armada
Spanish Armada in Ireland
Treaty of London (1604)