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User:Drift chambers/Papyrus Golenischeff

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Papyrus Golenischeff papyrus so named as from the collection of Vladimir Golénishcheff. [1][2]

This manuscript was found in El-Nibeh during 1891. Sortly after the discovery, the fragments which constitute the manuscript were acquired by Golénishcheff. The fragments comprised of a quarter of the upper part and the entire lower half of the first sheetand a mostly complete second page. All translations completed of the papyrus agree as to the subject of the writing, an official report to Hrihoru by Unamunu on return from the mission he had undertook to Phoenicia. The author emphases the protection granted to him throughout the writing, from the god Amon,specifically the statue of Amon on the Road. [3]


List of ancient Egyptian papyri

Gaston Maspero

Sea Peoples


  1. ^ © G. Belova, 2003 © Centre for Egyptological Studies of RAS, 2004–2006 retrieved approximately 15:05 29.9.11
  2. ^ Panov pGolanischeff.pdf Copyright 2008, The HIEROGLYPHICA Project. of M. Panov. Papyrus Golenischeff (Hymns to the Crown). Novosibirsk, 2011. (pdf contains images) from academia.edu-Academia © 2011] retrieved 15;18 29.9.11
  3. ^ Popular Stories of Ancient Egypt By Gaston Maspero retrieved 15:48 29.9.11

http://www.rae.org/pteroets.html fretrieved 17:11 29.9.11 Hymn to the Red Crown

http://www.donf.com/egypt/biblio/te1c.htm 17:12