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the apple is a species that is fun to eat and is totally rad. read more below. http://www.wreck.devisland.net/ga/ga.swf



apples are fun to eat.

Really Fun Stuff


apples are really wicked fun to eat.



they come in many varieties: green, red, yellow, green-red, red-green, yellow-green, red-yellow and yellow-red. surprisingly there is no such thing as a green-yellow apple. this has to do with how apples breed. the mommies give off the dominant trait. and since there are no green mommies or yellow-green mommies, green can never be given off as the dominant trait.

The Worm


the worm is an important part of the apple. it adds flavor.



before you eat an apple, you should take off the stem, the can make your mouth bleed if you eat one.



the star is a fun part of an apple. cut one in half and you have a star.



whatever you do, don't eat the eggs of an apple! if you do an apple will hatch in your tummy.



one of the coolest things an apple has done, is create the iPod. it was created by the most famous apple named fake steve jobs. the iPod plays music and videos and allows people to view album art while the song is playing. iPod has fierce competition in the wild, the zUne. the iPod and zUne are natural enemies as they bot do the same thing at the same price.

Magical Effects


some believe the apple has magical effects, especially if you eat the star.

Time Travel


one magical property is time travel. it enabled woz to create Skynet and a terminator in 1985, but before that.



the apple has been enslaved since it first made contact with the human race. humans even eat the apples as demon stated above. the jews and muslims are the largest slave traders on the black market for apples. apples can sell for as little as 23¢ and as much as 99¢.

Orange Apples


orange apples do not exist. the only time one might ever see an orange apple is when it paints itself to look like an orange in order to escape slavery. the apples must be apprehended. if you see one return it to your mouth immediately.

Famous Apples


Apples in Mythology


the apple has appeared in mythology many times.



the first was when king hamanaptut of egypt sent heracles to give an apple to aphrodite who told hector of troy that helen was off-limits and that if he were to lay a finger on her, the greeks and troy-boys would fight a war ending with the apple's cousin, the horse, laying siege to the city belonging to the troy-boys. he, in fact, did lay more than a finger on helen and war started and ended just a predicted.



christians refuse to eat apples as adam and eve ate apples and since they are despised amongst christians they cannot be like adam and eve. this is one of the many reasons that the jews and muslims have become the largest underground traders of apples on the black market.

Relation to Skynet


our supreme overlord Skynet was founded by two famous apples, woz and fake steve jobs. every iPod you buy contributes to their cause. BUY A zUne. woz eat a fellow apple, hammer girl rebel, in 1985 and went back in time to create the first terminator named ahnold.