Plätzchen are a type of German cookie/biscuit, popular during the christmas season.
The cookie bakery developed parallel to the consumption of coffee, tea and cocoa, in Germany since the 18. Century, v. A. Popular with the ladies of the upper society. In the coffeets little pastries were also served. Apart from biscuit pastries, shaped bowls were also popular. All confectionery products, including the cookies, were luxury until well into the 19th century, because sugar and other ingredients such as almonds or cocoa were very expensive. That changed when it was possible to gain cheap sugar from the domestic sugar beet. Afterwards, biscuits could also be baked in simple households on special occasions. [5]
Cookies / Cookies Edit Source Code] While biscuits are designed as a dessert and enjoyment through sweet tastes and flavorings such as nuts and spices is at the forefront, the biscuit focuses on the nutritional value due to its origin as provisions.