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Ethics and Information Technology

Background and definitions

  Information technology generally refers to the use of computers and its associated subjects such as hardware and software use and management, networking and the use of the internet. Information technology has come a long way since the invention of the computer in 1958 (Christensson, 2012). Nowadays, we are witnessing the milestones taken in information technology, including the applications of technology to various aspects of our lives, the economy, and society. In the past, moral principles may not have been seen as important and pertinent to information technology. Still, with the advancement of information technology and its application to different sectors of human existence, it has now become necessary to employ the use of ethics in information technology.

    According to Pierce & Henry (2015), issues relating to moral principles are now attracting widespread attention and becoming relevant to all fields of information technology and its application to business opportunities. This is due to the continued use and application of technology to certain business customs. Ethics is paramount from the procedures involved in producing goods and services, the relationships between the organization and the consumers, and all the other in-house issues of an institution.

     Ethics can be how an institution differentiates between what is right and wrong in applying information technology to its processes. In most cases, the definite execution of ethical ideologies, procedures, and approaches is described by the institutions or companies. According to Smith (2011), due to the ambivalence associated with ethics applications to information technology, regulations and recommendations of ethics as an immense structure are depicted by various leaders.


1.    Applications of Ethics in Different context.

2.    Example of Unethical Issues

2.1.Problems Linked to applying Ethic in IT

3.    Solution of Unethical Issues

4.    Policy/regulation/Current developments on Legislations.

5.    Recommendation/coclusion

Applications of Ethics in Different Context

       An individual who is engaged and qualified in the business profession can display and apply ethics in their workplace, presumably in the information technology sector, by making sound judgments that do not contradict and interfere with their values. According to Marchewka (2013), problems start when a person’s merit and usefulness are not in agreement.” For example, suppose a worker is asked to compromise on his or her values by probably giving false information about a particular project to please their supervisors. In that case, the concept of ethics is called on.

      According to Smith (2011), the matter of ethics is not found in assemblies of people or casual talks but the systems of information present. Another application of ethics is in the concept of internet use. Many internet users are not aware that through the use of website cookies, some multinational companies are gathering their information and set of data and selling it to other interested parties for use in marketing strategies (Marchewka, 2013). Here ethics can be applied by making sure one steers off shoddy internet sites and compromising internet sites.

Ethics can be combined with a person’s faith and belief and interpreted at the workplace. According to Miller (2015), individuals who attempt to amalgamate their occurrences at their workplace with their faith, endeavor to find a profound meaning in the kind of work they do and as a result take delight and pleasure in their workplaces. Eventually, this category of employees becomes asset to the organizations they are working for.

Examples of Unethical Issues.

    One of the examples of unethical issues is in data mining. De George (2011), defines data mining as a computer plan of action that involves the examining of a structured set of data stored in the computer and other sources of information to predict trends and criterion and in the same vein, come up with new sources of information. The key process in data mining is the definite use of the internet.  However, the issue concerning moral principles associated with data mining is in the misuse and mishandling of information and failure to communicate adequately and effectively about how the information retrieved from the consumers will be managed, used and dispensed (De George, 2011). Most internet users are unaware that their data is being mined and later sold to organizations that will later select them for market equitability. This infringes on their privacy.

   Another example of an unethical issue is in project management. One of the major ethical concerns with project management is in the lies that certain persons working on certain projects tell to clients and supervisors in project management sessions that are considered to be false (Berenbach and Broy 2012). These ethical issues happen most of the times in project management, and at times the individual is tempted to take the fastest and easiest route that is in most cases dishonest and immoral, and in the process hurts himself or herself, the institution that he or she works for and the entire society (Marchewka, 2013). Rushing the project to meet client’s deadlines without considering if the work done meets the client’s expectations is also a form of ethical deceit.

Problems Linked to Applying Ethics in IT.

    According to Miller (2015), the regulations and rules put in place to govern the information technology sector do not inhibit the people from subscribing to their practices but instead assists in the process of deciding on the ethical results and consequences by the person. In other words, the codes of ethics put in place do not provide a solution to every ethical predicament that arises. It is dependent on the individual’s judgment of the situation.

  According to Pierce and Henry (2015), the importance of information technology is being felt across the globe, and this breeds the rise of immoral issues in the information technology sector. Another problem linked to applying ethics in I.T is that there are no mechanisms to compel and punish individuals if they do not adhere to the ethical caliber set by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). According to Berenbach and Broy (2012), circumstances occur in the information technology sector that is impossible to identify as being an ethics issue and as a result, cause irreparable damage without the knowledge of the people in charge.”

Solutions to Unethical Issues.

   According to De George (2013), for the use of cookies in internet sites to be seen as immoral, consumers or internet users should be provided with an option to “quit” or “leave” the internet site. This will ensure that the consumers' set of data and information are not misused and abused. Berenbach and Broy (2012) assert that they endeavor to produce an I.T generation of professionals equipped to deal with ethical situations of any kind after having learnt from the ethical impacts and are now able to make sound ethical decisions and judgements. Individuals are urged to develop sound ethical characteristics to help better the information technology society. The morals of an individual are influenced by a number of factors (Miller, 2015).

Policies/Regulations/Current Developments in Legislations.

    In an effort to manage and have a stronger cybersecurity system, the federal government of the United States has come up with new laws while at the same time revising and amending those that were there previously. These laws include: Cyber Security Information Sharing Act- This allows for the sharing and disbursement of information between the United States government and the technology manufacturing companies. It was passed in the senate in 2015. We also have the cybersecurity enhancement act of 2014 that supports the private and public entities' coming together to strengthen cybersecurity and research. The federal exchange data breach notification act of 2015 and the national cybersecurity protection advancement Act of 2015 are also current developments in the information technology sector's legislation.


     In conclusion, the structure of an individual’s moral and ethical characteristics should be intertwined. “The individual should understand that having and making sound ethical decisions helps not only him or her but also society. The individual decides interpretations of the ethical implications, which is influenced by many factors such as the workplace environment and so on. When faced with an ethical situation, the final judgment should be made coming from a deeper understanding of the effects of such decisions on society.



Berenbach,B & Broy,M. (2012). Professional and ethical dilemma in software engineering. Computer.

De George, R.T. (2011). The ethics of information technology and business.Malden,MA:Blackwell.

Marchewka, J.T. (2013). Information technology project management: providing measurable organization value.Hoboken,NJ :John Wiley & Sons,Inc.

Miller, D.W, (2015). The faith at work movement. Theology Today.

Pierce,M.A. & Henry.W. (2015). Computer Ethics: A model of the influences on the individual’s ethical decision making.Computer personnel.

Smith,H.J. (2011). Ethics and information systems: Resolving the quandaries.