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User:Erlyrisa/Remote Control Phenomenon

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Remote Control Phenomenon , is the method by which hollywood utilises a chipped human populous to create the desired outcome of a breathing entity in the real world. The publicised nature of this entity may not be as per what the entity maybe living out in thier own personal space, but be re-advertised differently to different demographics for the sake of higher sales and better advantage in manipultion.

Some techniques of socialogical manipulations include repeatng the entitie(s) lives in concgruence to own presonal, and offset demographics in order to procur a common work ethic in the larger populous. Sometimes some entities are geared toward living out lives in oppose to the common servitude of Hollywood, where-by those entities can be utilised to further garner support for a common thought process.

eg. Creating public paedophiles for male murder pleasure which than procures more repeat instances of succesful "revenge" by the common system, and hence a stronger tie to females of a particular moral stance. This method is very commone and the mostly widely applied system that helps to create micro groups that run around the world with spray cans expressing the common opinion.

Politics is also a major dominant topic, while utilising the publication of poorer nations as the peadophile member replacement.

eg. Of such large events that maybe fake or real include events like KONY via facebook - which happens tobe a a derivative wording of a common background topic concerning Mutliple Scelrosis, a school in Australia, a quite unfamous actor that is associated too office partys, and Jesus Christ learning to read a Book (Konyv).

It is a complicated system, yet has a very simple restriction to it's absolute ability. The the human can only react approx 0.4 to external stimuli. Therfore, full calculation of individuals can be deliberated months and years before hand by a system of keepers to the system. These people than apply and change the beahviour and mode of a person, office workers are very agreeable to this system and usuall ask tobe more and more apart of it.

