
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-- Displays bibliographic metadata from Wikidata

local p = {} local wikidata = require('Module:Wikidata') local linguistic = require('Module:Linguistic') local fb = require('Module:Fallback')

local function formatpage(page, lang) -- same text for singular and plural, most of the time, they can be distinguished by the presence of a "-" but that does not always work, see Q11927173 if not page then return nil end return fb._langSwitch({ -- singular de = 'S. ' .. page, en = 'p. ' .. page, fr = 'p. ' .. page, nb = 's. ' .. page, nn = 's. ' .. page, }, lang) end

local function getauthor(item, lang) return wikidata.formatStatements{entity=item, property = 'P50', lang=lang} end

local function getISBN(item, lang) local ISBN = wikidata.formatStatements{entity = item, property = 'P212', lang=lang, numval = 1} if ISBN then return 'ISBN ' ..ISBN end end

local function getLink(item, lang) local links = wikidata.formatStatements{entity = item, property = 'P854', numval = 1, lang=lang} if links then return fb._langSwitch({ de = '[' .. links .. ' online]', en = '[' .. links .. ' read online]', fr = '[' .. links .. ' lire en ligne]', nb = '[' .. links .. ' les online]', nn = '[' .. links .. ' les online]', }, lang) end end

local function getVolume(item, lang) local volume = wikidata.formatStatements{entity = item, property = 'P478', numval = 1, lang=lang} if volume then return fb._langSwitch({ de = 'Band ' .. volume, en = 'vol. ' .. volume, }, lang) end end

local function getDoi(item, lang) local doi = wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P356', numval = 1, lang=lang}) -- what to do if several value if not doi then return nil end return '' .. 'doi: .. doi .. ' ' .. doi .. '' .. '' -- needs i18n ? end

local function getPmid(item, lang) local pmid = wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P698', numval = 1, lang=lang}) -- what to do if several values if not pmid then return nil end return ' PubMed ID: .. pmid .. ' ' .. pmid .. ' ' -- needs i18n ? end

local function getPmcid(item, lang) local pmcid = wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P932', numval = 1, lang=lang}) -- what to do if several values if not pmcid then return nil end return ' PubMed Central ID: .. pmcid .. ' ' .. pmcid .. ' ' -- needs i18n ? end

local function getEditor(item, lang) local editortable = wikidata.getClaims({entity=item, property='P98'}) if not editortable then return nil end local editor = wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property='P98', lang=lang}) -- should have a "formatClaims" function to avoid double work if #editortable > 1 then return fb._langSwitch({ --plural de = editor .. ' (Hrsg.)', en = editor .. ' (eds.)', nb = editor .. ' (red.)', nn = editor .. ' (red.)', }, lang) else return fb._langSwitch({ -- singular de = editor .. ' (Hrsg.)', en = editor .. ' (ed.)', nb = editor .. ' (red.)', nn = editor .. ' (red.)', }, lang) end


local function getedition(item, lang) local ednumber = wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P393', lang=lang, numval = 1}) if not ednumber then return nil end local ord = require('Module:Ordinal')._ordinal return fb._langSwitch({ de = ednumber .. '. Auflage', en = ord{ednumber, lang = 'en'} .. ' edition', fr = ord{ednumber, lang = 'fr'} .. ' édition', nb = ord{ednumber, lang = 'nb'} .. ' utgave', nn = ord{ednumber, lang = 'nn'} .. ' utgave', }, lang) end

local function getarticletitle(item, lang) local title = wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P1476', lang=lang}) or wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P357', lang=lang}) if not title then return '' .. .. ' (no title property provided!)' end return fb._langSwitch({ de = '„' .. '' .. title .. '' .. '“', en = '"' .. '' .. title .. '' .. '"', fr = '«' ..'' .. title .. '' .. '»', nb = '«' ..'' .. title .. '' .. '»', nn = '«' ..'' .. title .. '' .. '»', } , lang) end

local function getbooktitle(item, lang)-- needs i18n some languages do not use this format local title = wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P1476', lang=lang}) or wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P357', lang=lang}) if not title then return '' .. .. ' (no title property provided!)' end return '' .. '' .. title .. '' .. '' end

local function getissue(item, lang) return wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P433', lang=lang}) end

local function getpublisher(item, lang) return wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P123', lang=lang}) end

local function getpublishdate(item, lang) return wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P577', lang=lang}) end

local function geturl(item, lang) return wikidata.formatStatements({entity=item, property = 'P854', lang=lang}) end

local function getlicense(item, lang) return wikidata.formatStatements{entity=item, property = 'P275', lang=lang} end

local function getjournal(item, lang) -- get the title property rather than the label local journal = wikidata.getClaims({entity = item, property = 'P1433', exlcudespecial = true}) if not journal then return nil end if #journal > 1 then return "error, source has too much publishing info" end local journaltitle local journalid = 'Q' .. journal[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] -- find higher work (if any; for example Q19302303) local journallink = wikidata.formatStatements({item = journalid , property = 'P1433', lang=lang}) if journallink then return journallink else journaltitle = wikidata._getLabel(journalid) return '' .. journaltitle .. '' end end

local function citebook(item, lang, page) local publishdate = getpublishdate(item, lang) local author = getauthor(item, lang) local editor = getEditor(item, lang) local title = getbooktitle(item, lang) local publisher = getpublisher(item, lang) local edition = getedition(item, lang) local isbn = getISBN(item, lang) local doi = getDoi(item, lang) local pmid = getPmid(item, lang) local pmcid = getPmcid(item, lang) local link = getLink(item, lang) local volume = getVolume(item, lang) local pagenumber = formatpage(page, lang) local license = getlicense(item, lang)

local fields = {} table.insert(fields, author) table.insert(fields, editor) table.insert(fields, title) table.insert(fields, edition) table.insert(fields, volume) table.insert(fields, publisher) table.insert(fields, publishdate) table.insert(fields, pagenumber) table.insert(fields, isbn) table.insert(fields, doi) table.insert(fields, pmid) table.insert(fields, pmcid) table.insert(fields, link) table.insert(fields, license) return linguistic.conj(fields, lang, "citation_comma") end

local function citearticle(item, lang, page) local author = getauthor(item, lang) local title = getarticletitle(item, lang) local publisher = getpublisher(item, lang) local publishdate = getpublishdate(item, lang) local pagenumber = formatpage(page, lang) local journal = getjournal(item, lang) local issue = getissue(item, lang) local publishdate = getpublishdate(item, lang) local doi = getDoi(item, lang) local pmid = getPmid(item, lang) local pmcid = getPmcid(item, lang) local link = getLink(item, lang) local volume = getVolume(item, lang) local pagenumber = formatpage(page, lang) local license = getlicense(item, lang)

local fields = {} table.insert(fields, author) table.insert(fields, title) table.insert(fields, publisher) table.insert(fields, journal) table.insert(fields, volume) table.insert(fields, issue) table.insert(fields, publishdate) table.insert(fields, pagenumber) table.insert(fields, doi) table.insert(fields, pmid) table.insert(fields, pmcid) table.insert(fields, link) table.insert(fields, license) return linguistic.conj(fields, lang, "citation_comma") end

function p.citeitem(item, lang, page) if not item then return nil end if type(item) == 'string' then item = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(item) end if not item then return "invalid item id" end if wikidata.getClaims({entity = item, property = 'P1433'}) then -- if item has "edition of" is a book, else an article, needs a better solution return citearticle(item, lang, page) else mw.log('Citing as book') return citebook(item, lang, page) end end

function p.cite(frame) local lang = frame.args.lang if not lang or lang == then lang = frame:preprocess('⧼lang⧽') end local page = if page == then page = nil end return p.citeitem(frame.args.item, lang, page) end

function p.reflist(frame) local list = mw.text.split( frame.args[1], ' ') local lang = frame.args.lang if not lang or lang == then lang = frame:preprocess('⧼lang⧽') end local str = for i, j in pairs(list) do

str = str .. '

  • ' .. p.citeitem(mw.text.trim(j),lang) .. '
  • ' end return str end return p