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San Juan Bautista

Some Facts About San Juan Bautista

Mission San Juan Bautista was established on june 24, 1797.It was founded by father Fermin Lausen,franciscan and succsor to father serra as president of the missions.It was the 15th of 21 missions.It’s location is 90 miles southeast of San Fransico,in a sunny inland of oak trees.The mission was named in honor of St.Jhon the bapitist,noted in the bible as a contemporary and kinsman of Jesus.Also known as the mission of music.California historical landmark number 195.

'The Missions Design'

File:The mission base.jpg
A Mission Base

The missions church is 188 feet long and 72 feet wide and 40 feet high.The largest mission church made of adobe,tile roof and tile floor.The missions style is grand and large,though the front is plain except for three arches and a single square window.There are three aisles,rather than one aisle,distinguish this mission from others. Open-arched walls separate the side aisles from the main aisle.Inside the walls of the mission are painted in native-style designs and bright colors by Thomas Doak, a Boston sailor who took up residence in San Juan Bautista.Some walls are painted to look like marble. The bright red drapery wall behind the altar holds statues in niches,including life -size statue of St.John. The walls are three feet thick,with cement supports.The original church had no bell tower instead bells hung from a wooden crossbar in the yard. A new England style steeple added in 1867 was destroyed in 1915 also a stucco tower from 1929 was taken down in 1949,and in 1976 a campanario ( a bell wall) in style of other missions was erected.Of nine original bells,most of them have been lost. The present campanario has three bells,two of which are original. The third is a recent gift from Father Lausen’s home village in spain. The missions compound, The living quarters were in a wing that was 230 feet long,and was fronted with 19 arches! Two of the arches (1st and 13th) are square instead of rounded,perhaps to allow for processions to pass through. A large kitchen had a along the entire length of the room. Also in a Quadrangle of buildings were workshops for carpentry,weaving,candle making, and leather work.The missions grounds include 36 acres of pear and apple orchards,and many herds of animals,making this a very rich mission. The farming that began under the padres has continued to the present. Much trading of hides and tallow (animal fat used in soap and candle making) took place with the ships that put into the harbor of Monterey.

Early History

The mission's construction was chosen in 1786.In 1798 the church and other buildings were completed ,of adobe with mud and tile roofs.In 1803 cornerstone laid,amid much ceromony,for a larger church,needed both because of earthquake damage to the first church and because many Costanoan Indians came to the mission. A bottle with a description of the event inside was sealed into the cornerstone of the church.In 1808 father Felipe del Arroy de la Cuesta arrived to take charge. He convinced the builders to enlarge the church plans to include three aisles.In 1812 on June 23,dedication of the new church,by this time,though,several earthquakes had convinced Father Arroyo to have the aches seperating the aisles filled in,making of a single aisle church. Father Estevan Tapis joined Father Aroyo at the mission.In 1814 the town began to grow up around the mission. A plaza was laid out at the front of the mission,also adobe barracks for soldiers were built across the plaza.In 1820 the interior of the mission was painted by Thomas Doak.In 1835 mission secularization had taken place lands were taken by the government,priests continued to perform services there.In 1859 55 acers of land and remaining buildings were given back to the catholic church.In 1867 the beggining of a period of extensive modernization by Father rubio. Also steeple added,interior walls and the floors were covered with wood

Mission San Juan Bautista today

Though mission San Juan Bautista is built right on the San Andreas fault line,the 1906 earthquake did relatively little damage to the mission,perhaps because of Father Arroyo’s filling in of the interior arches. After 1906 the buildings were strengthened with steel and concrete. Continues use of the church has kept it from vandalism and decay. Renovators in !949 through 1950 removed the stucco tower and put the bells back on the crossbar. The interior was restored to it’s 1820 condition. The wall paintings done in 1820 by Thomas Doak are still bright.Mission San Juan Bautista is now an active parish church,serving a mostly spanish speaking community in much the same setting as in 1820. Of the mission quadrangle,only the large font wing is standing. The plaza facing the mission and all of it’s buildings around it (from the 1840’s) are designated a State Historical Monument. Excavations in 1991 revealed the foundations of mission Indian housing dating from 1821 and 1824.Renovations in 1976 opened up the arches into the side aisles. The bell was added,visitors can see the restored kitchen area,and a museum with a multitude of interesting objects from the mission’s past.The mission’s museum shows the influence of two Franciscans who spent the most years there. Father Arroyo spoke seven native dialects and compiled an index of phrases and vocabularies of the languages which is really impressive. Father Estevan Tapis was a musician who taught others how to read music,writing out the music notes on sheepskins so that large groups of people could read them easily. Also in the mission museum is a famous hand-organ, said to have brought to California in 1792 by CAptain George Vancouver. A story is told that a group of people attacking the mission were so charmed by the music of the hand-argan that they stopped the attack to listen! Near the mission cemetery is one of the few places where a section of the

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Old El Camino Real (the royal road) can be seen.

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Website name:http: //fact cards.califa.org/mis/sanjuanbautista.html

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