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Public service announcement mascots, also known as PSA mascots, are campaign and advertising icons created to raise awareness of topics while also, usually, trying to appeal to general, family, and/or children audiences.

PSA Mascots

Name Company Years Active Public Service Image
Woodsy Owl United States Forest Service 1971- Nature appreciation, pollution
Smokey Bear United States Forest Service 1950- Wildfire prevention
Johnny Horizon Bureau of Land Management 1968-1982 Litter
Freedom Frog Intervention Helpline Drug, alcohol
Eddie Eagle National Rifle Association Firearm safety
Daren the Lion Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Drug, gangs, violence
Sparky the Fire Dog National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) Fire Protection
Louie the Lightning Bug American Electric Power Electricity safety
Drip Tracer Columbus Water Division 1994-2007[1] Water conservation
McGruff the Crime Dog National Crime Prevent ion Council 1980 Drugs, Crime

  1. ^ "Drip Tracer, mascot of the Columbus Division of Power and Water". The Columbus Dispatch. Retrieved 2019-09-27.