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Wikipedia Part A:[edit]

The American Progress[1] reflects manifest destiny and the development of America and civilization in the West.

I chose this image because it represents a major event in American history that contributes to life today. American Studies is the study of America, it's history, events, and the people that contribute to where the country is now.

Part D[edit]

4. Why doesn't the article discuss refugees and how they influenced the study?

I want I want to know more about what contributes to the overall study rather than who created and influenced the study.

5. Keywords: American, nationalism, patriotism, understanding culture, explaining America, melting pot

Statements: 1. Understanding culture AND explaining America 2. Melting pot AND American 3. Nationalism OR patriotism

7. https://ezproxy.shsu.edu/login?url=https://search.credoreference.com/content/entry/jhueas/melting_pot/0?institutionId=1198


a. I selected these sites because they serve as sources explaining how refugees contribute to America and American studies.

b. I determined that these are credible sources because they are academic journals that include the research and history discussing how refugees play a huge influence on American Studies.

e. Thomasson, G. C. (2018). Melting pot. In S. Bronner (Ed.), Encyclopedia of American studies. MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Smith, H. (1957). Can "American Studies" Develop a Method? American Quarterly, 9(2), 197-208.

8. The first source is very informational because it discusses the melting pot that America is built on and what contributes to the foundation to the overall study of American Studies. The second source, is a journal written by the scholar that is mentioned as a influence for American Studies. It discusses what American Studies is. I believe these are both beneficial because the article lacks a description about what American Studies is. Instead, it talks about who influenced it, not what.

10. Fields studying specific American ethnic or racial groups are considered to be both independent of and included within the broader American studies discipline. This includes African American studies, Latin American studies, Asian American studies, American Indian studies, and others.

11. Vernon Louis Parrington is often cited as the founder of American studies for his three-volume Main Currents in American Thought, which combines the methodologies of literary criticism and historical research; it won the 1928 Pulitzer Prize. In the introduction to Main Currents in American Thought, Parrington described his field:

Part C - Wikipedia[edit]

The "broad path" that Parrington describes formed a scholastic course of study for Henry Nash Smith, who received a Ph.D. from Harvard's interdisciplinary program in "History and American Civilization" in 1940, setting an academic precedent for present-day American Studies programs.[citation needed][2]

(Option a.)

Citation 1: This resource is a popular tertiary source because it is a handbook. The handbook is summarizes and complied with secondary sources. I selected this source because I did chose option a, which said the citation was needed. Prior to myself adding the citation, it was just a link to the website and article.

  1. ^ American Progress, 1872. John Gast, artist. Wikimedia Commons.
  2. ^ GOSSETT, THOMAS F. (2010-06-15). "SMITH, HENRY NASH". tshaonline.org. Retrieved 2019-04-05.

Article Evaluation American studies[edit]

1. The article I chose to evaluate is the topic of American Studies. Everything in the article is relevant to the topic. It discusses what the topic is, and its academic history. Nothing in particular caused a distraction and this is due to the fact that the entire article was relevant to the topic.

2. I don't think there is anything out of date or missing from the article. It does an effective job at describing what the topic is and the most important pieces of information that revolves it.

3. I think the article could have gone more into depth regarding what all is included in studying American Studies. Perhaps it could have explained how those topics surround and effect the study.

4. The article is neutral considering that it is informative about the study of American Studies. It is not biased in any sort.

5. I think a viewpoint that could have been added is the benefits that American Studies contributes to Americans. Why it is a topic needed and worth studying.

6. The links found within the article do indeed work and support the claims.

7. The sources cited vary. Though, they are reliable references. I don't think they are biased considering that the sources reference informational facts. History, information, nothing opinionated.

8. There are few conversations going on within the talk page, though they vary in topic. One of the posts discredits the topic of American Studies. Stating that it is not a real area of study.

9. This article has not yet been rated.