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Outgoing, friendly, and motivated personality. Live life to the fullest because we never know when it will be the last day. Have worked hard to get everything I have today and yet can never seem to have enough of anything. Appreciate having the ability to learn and know how to use the resources available to learn the most off of things. Have some difficult with writing therefore the goal for each week is to re-type a few paragraphs from previous work done to make them better, or simply read the material to help with grammar and punctuation skills.


Current student at Cal Poly Pomona. Kinesiology with the option of exercise science is my focus. Looking forward to graduation and planning on attending graduate school. Full-time student and part-time employee.


Love to be physically active. Enjoy going to the gym, going out for a walk with my dogs, dancing and more. I love to read romantic nobles as well as those with suspense and drama. Cannot live without technology, most of the spare time available is used on researching new things. This includes different nobles and their reviews, along with research for school courses to have a better and more in depth understanding of the concepts.

Although, being physically active is always the most important thing in life, enjoyment of other things also have to be included in life to make things work well. Absolutely love to eat ice cream regardless of the whether. Chocolate is on a must on any type of dessert that is consumed.

Huge chocolate ice cream

Ideally enjoy spending quality time with loved ones, although some what difficult to do so since everyone is on different schedules.


Thankful in finding Anthony Robbins, foe it is because of him, life seems to make a little more sense every day. Everyday, it is a must to listen to at least 2 of his audios to keep life on track. Although it is not music precisely, this audio comes to great benefit to enhance life.

Most favorite type of music would be all types of rock. Depending on the mood of the day, is how the type to what is to be listened to that day is determined. Classical music is preferred when it comes to studying for classes and for relaxing time.


Currently not part of an official sports team but do play sports still. Best sport to play is soccer due to the fact that running is the main type of movement in that sport. Not a professional player in any sport, but if there is a sport to play just for fun, there is never a doubt on whether to play or not.