Mr. Cokely
Current Events
Mr. Cokely is a Construction Worker that worked on the 2020 Alien research Fund. He built multiple radar stations on the Artic Naval base West of Chile. He is a great friend of the former president of Chile and was signed into multiple contracts on their Alien research firm department. Also known as ARFD or in the Chile Spanish dialect as the CAFRD. There have been up to three radar stations built off the coast of Chile. One of the radar stations was built on one of the outer islands of the Magallanes providence near Isla Riesco. He is head of the construction team for building the radar station. The construction firm Mr. Cokely is head of, is called StatsumCo. and is growing slowly. This is one of Mr. Cokley's first major contracts and is mostly due to his high end friends he has. As it has been mentioned before the former president of Chile Mr. Hernandez Quelo III was a great deal of help with this.
Older Projects
Another more smaller project Mr. Cokely has worked on is the CBT center in Canada. Specifically in the city of Ontario near the Mona Lissa which is not to be confused with the Mona Lisa in France.
Life Story
He was born into the Koi family and only was aboot 3.5 ft in length. He stayed at the Fish Bowl Inn for a lot of his life and was Fish fed till 26 years of his life. After finding out he is Nemo's Uncle he slapped Nemo's Fin and gave him a kiss. He then Immigrated from the Pacific Ocean and into the United States of America. He lived in the Mississippi in the Norther Section of PeUbE's. He then turned into his next stage of life which is the GIECO kind of like the one from Gieco but only in thought not as much as tone. Anyway on Mr. Cokelys life journey he then moved to the State of CALIfornia and started his dance career. He moved around the state teaching extremely young kids how to dougy teach me how to dougy teach me teach me how to dougy. He made ok amount of money but there is only so much you can make from the arts career. (Editors Note: First known fuish to Nae nae and Whip.)
Thinks he met Obama at the age of the age of 15.
Dad Found
Five years later he learns that the guy he thought was Obama was actually his dad. Mr. Cokley's mom Mrs Koi broke the news to kim at the age of 20 when she thought he could handle it. Mr. Cokely then put on his Instagram story things like "don't hmu" "only real ones know" which caused the deletion of his page after years of not coming back to it. Mr. Cokely stated he needed to get back into the real world and find his inner soul.