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User:Guillermoemz/Inka Games

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For more than 800 years, board games were developed based on square shapes, like chess and checkers. Square box allows alternating boxes from two colors and offers 8 movement directions. Four in direction of its sides and four in direction of its vertexes.

The new games Inka Games[1], is played on a hexagonal shapes which has a 50% increase in possible movements compared to quadratric spaces. There are five types of games and they are: Brinca [2], Skill [3], Thron [4], Astuzia [5] y Hexagon Inka [6]. There is a visual demonstration on each link.



The Board and the five different types of game, were recorded copyrighted by Horacio Barreda Vincent Tamayo (1983 y 2009 en INDECOPI - PERU). Thron and Skill Games have been implemented for 6 years as a means to develop skills to think and act strategically. Especially students from undergraduate and graduate courses in Strategic Management and Administration.



The board [7] consists one hundrer twenty-seven (127) hexagonal boxes, grouped by their sides, forming a large hexagon. Each box is numbered consecutively. The three different colors of the boxes are alternated symmetrically, so that two adjacent boxes by their sides are always different color. But all the lockers in the direction of its vertices are always the same color.

By symmetry of the board, you can play each of the five types of game between two or three players on equal terms of movement. A total of 10 games that can be performed on the same board.



Inka Hexagon Game allows you to interact in a game of intellectual competition, either between two or three players (see videos at bottom of page), with equal initial conditions.

The game between the two, is basically a confrontation-type competition. The possibility of winning depend on the ability of each of the players who are facing and their performance during the game.

The simultaneous game three opponents are unpredictable in their results. The possibility of winning in this type of game, depends not only ourselves, but also depends on how the other two opponents play each other or against you. You must have ability to see opportunities and take care to avoid joint attacks.


  1. Runa (R) .- You can only move to a locker that is free, the sides of the base box. In addition, you should always move forward or sideways, but can never go back on its base (initial position of the game). If an opposition player card in any box to which it can move, you can delete, occupying the locker.
  1. Condor (C) .- It moves toward the corners of his locker basis, to any other one color box. You can move forward or backward one or more lockers, the lockers provided downstream of the start and end, are free from other tabs. To remove an opposition player tab, removes the board and took his locker. This movement of elimination is equal

for all types of card.

  1. Alpaca (A) .- It moves by any of the sides of his locker base. Avanza three boxes in total, two in the same direction and then a box to the left or right. This piece can go either way, advancing or retreating. It can also move files jumping over themselves or against.
  1. Stone (s) .- You can only move toward either side of his locker base, one or more boxes, the boxes provided intermediate between the initial and final position, are free from chips of their own or the opponent. You can forward or backward.
  1. Inka Aclla (IA) .- The two types of card have the same motion characteristics. You can move in the direction of the sides or the corners of his locker. You can move one or more checkboxes, provided the intermediate boxes themselves are free of chips or the opposing player. You can forward or backward. Are the chips with greater capacity for movement.
  1. Inti (I) .- It is the main form. Only one box can be moved in the direction of the sides or corners of his locker base. You can forward or backward.




