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User:GustavWKrantz/Books/18th Century Mathematicians

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18th Century Mathematicians

18th Century American Mathematicians
Robert Adrain
Nathaniel Bowditch
Joseph Caldwell
James Cannon (mathematician)
Nathan Daboll
Isaac Greenwood
Samuel Webber
John Winthrop (educator)
18th Century English Mathematicians
George Anderson (mathematician)
George Atwood
John Baines (mathematician)
John Barrow (historian)
Thomas Bayes
Joseph Betts
Nathaniel Bliss
William Bull (minister)
Reuben Burrow
John Caswell
John Colson
Roger Cotes
John Lodge Cowley
John Dawson (surgeon)
Humphry Ditton
James Dodson
Benjamin Donn
Samuel Dunn (mathematician)
William Emerson (mathematician)
Thomas Exley
Abraham Fletcher
Martin Folkes
George Gargrave
Olinthus Gregory
John Greig (mathematician)
Edmond Halley
Charles Hayes (mathematician)
John Hudson (mathematician)
Charles Hutton
James Jurin
John Landen
William Lax
William Ludlam
Israel Lyons
John Machin
Edward Rowe Mores
Isaac Newton
William Payne (mathematician)
Thomas Postlethwaite
Jesse Ramsden
Benjamin Robins
Nicholas Saunderson
Abraham Sharp
Thomas Simpson
Robert Smith (mathematician)
Brook Taylor
Walter Taylor (mathematician)
Samuel Vince
Edward Waring
William Whiston
Francis Williams
John Wilson (mathematician)
James Wood (mathematician)
18th Century British Mathematicians
John Adair (surveyor)
John Arbuthnot
John Barrow (geographical compiler)
Thomas Baxter (mathematician)
John Craig (mathematician)
Mary Edwards (human computer)
Lewis Evans (mathematician)
Robert Haldane (mathematician)
Thomas Hornsby
William Jones (mathematician)
John Keill
Patrick Kelly (metrologist)
Colin Maclaurin
Patrick Murdoch
Henry Owen
John Playfair
Matthew Raper
Abraham Robertson
Robert Simson
Dugald Stewart
James Stirling (mathematician)
George Tollet
William Wales (astronomer)
Alexander Wilson (astronomer)
18th Century French Mathematicians
Jean le Rond d'Alembert
Jacques d'Allonville
Yves Marie André
Louis François Antoine Arbogast
Jean-Robert Argand
Bernard Forest de Bélidor
Alexis Fontaine des Bertins
Étienne Bézout
Jean-Baptiste Biot
Jean-Charles de Borda
Charles Bossut
Pierre Bouguer
Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
Charles Étienne Louis Camus
Nicolas-François Canard
Louis Carré (mathematician)
Jean-Baptiste de La Chapelle
Émilie du Châtelet
Jean-Pierre Christin
Alexis Clairaut
Marquis de Condorcet
Théodore Cornut
Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre
Antoine Deparcieux
Charles Dupin
Joseph Fourier
Christophe Gadbled
Joseph Diaz Gergonne
Pierre-Simon Girard
Jean Paul de Gua de Malves
Edmé-Gilles Guyot
Jean Nicolas Pierre Hachette
Charles Haros
François Jacquier
Christian Kramp
Charles Marie de La Condamine
Philippe de La Hire
Simon de la Loubère
Sylvestre François Lacroix
Joseph-Louis Lagrange
Bernard Lamy
Pierre-Simon Laplace
Auguste-Savinien Leblond
Adrien-Marie Legendre
Guillaume de l'Hôpital
Jean-Jacques de Marguerie
Pierre Louis Maupertuis
Jean Baptiste Meusnier
Abraham de Moivre
Gaspard Monge
Pierre Raymond de Montmort
Jean-Étienne Montucla
François Nicole
Jacques Ozanam
Antoine Parent
Marc-Antoine Parseval
Alexis-Jean-Pierre Paucton
Marie Anne Victoire Pigeon
Gaspard de Prony
Michel Rolle
Joseph Saurin
Joseph Sauveur
Alexandre Savérien
Achille Pierre Dionis du Séjour
Guy Tachard
Sébastien Truchet
Alexandre-Théophile Vandermonde
Pierre Varignon
18th Century German Mathematicians