
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



About me[edit]

I'm a running start student and a senior in high school, although many don't have there future major figured out as a senior I do since my 8th grade year. I envision majoring in Political Science and becoming an attorney. I envision either becoming either Immigration attorney, Criminal attorney that specializes in defending people or companies who are charged with criminal activity[1], or Defense attorney. I am also a very involved person in my culture, I enjoy cooking Mexican food, dancing to regional Mexican music and embracing my culture in any way I can. I am a very proud Mexican women. One of my favorite hobbies ever is going on walks which living in the Pacific North West makes it really easy to find many new places every time. Another of my favorite hobbies is taking nature pictures, I started to get into photography during the pandemic as I became very connected with nature its self and appreciating it more.

My Wikipedia activates[edit]

I will be mostly using Wikipedia during this time for my English class that I am currently taking and willing be using it to complete assignments. I hope to use it outside of class as I become more advance on how to use Wikipedia and learn how to make small changes on pages. I also hope one day to actually start making small changes on pages or complete some pages on topics or people I might be interested on in the future.

Article evaluation[edit]

As a first generation student I have goals that I want to accomplish and achieve, those include going to college or a university. I am currently applying to the University of Washington and that's why for my article evaluation I wanted to choose something that is connected to UW[2].  I visited the University Book Store[3] page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: it's references, history, and other locations.


There are some references on the page and when scrolling to the bottom there are also a few. Some references are not findable, one page even said that it is impersonating another page and that it might steal your information.


Although this page is very short it does have a section with its history, and some of it is properly referenced but  there is a section where its location of the physical book store has been moved to different locations but does not cite or reference where those locations are in order to make it more credible.

Other locations[edit]

One thing to point out in the third paragraph is that it mentions another location/ branch of the book store. But it doesn't specifically state the address or name of where this other branch might be, it instead states that this branch might be somewhere else in Western Washington[4] State and does not properly state where. Making it appear like it doesn't matter or credible that there is another location.


Overall this page does have some credible resources, some of them are not findable and give you concerning messages when opening  an external link stating that the page is not real, and its history sections need more accuracy and credibility. I do think that adding more information when talking about other locations is important not only for its history but also for the other branches of the book store people would like to visit.  But I do think this page is okay. It just needs more information added and up to date references and citations.


  1. ^ "Criminal defense lawyer", Wikipedia, 2022-06-02, retrieved 2022-10-11
  2. ^ "University of Washington", Wikipedia, 2022-10-12, retrieved 2022-10-13
  3. ^ "University Book Store", Wikipedia, 2022-09-11, retrieved 2022-10-13
  4. ^ "Western Washington", Wikipedia, 2022-02-07, retrieved 2022-10-13