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User:Jaredscribe/Christian revivalism

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A survey of christian restorationism, revivalism, and new religious movements in the Anglosphere from the 20th century on. To start at the beginning, see User:Jaredscribe/Church history. See User:Jaredscribe/Joshua ben Miriam for my research on the historical Jesus.

See User:Jaredscribe/Culture Wars for my survey of the contemporary culture wars

1900's — 50's


Pentecostal movement stems from Bethel Bible College, the 1904–1905 Welsh Revival, and the 1906-1915 racially mixed Azusa Street Revival in skid row, Los Angeles. Pentecostal, Foursquare Gospel Church, Aimee Semple McPherson

Keswickian Higher Life Movement confluence of methodist, wesleyan-holiness, quaker revivalism. => History of Alcoholics Anonymous. Temperance movement, Temperance (virtue).

Watchman Nee is a leading preacher in the decentralized christian Chinese Local churches (affiliation). Learning from the seven churches of Asia, there is one church per city, and no denominations. Many of his ideas, including plural eldership and disavowal of a clergy-laity distinction, derived from scriptural interpretations of the Plymouth Brethren. Their preceptor John Nelson Darby is considered to be the father of modern Dispensationalism and Futurist eschatology. Pre-tribulation rapture theology was popularized extensively in the 1830s by Darby's brethren, and further popularized in the United States in the early 20th century by the wide circulation of the Scofield Reference Bible, and will later feature prominently in 70's Calvary Chapel movement and many others.

Fundamentalist-Modernist controversy. Modernists win the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial.

Christian Zionism in the United Kingdom, simultaneously repudiates and draws from British Israelism. White supremacist Christian Identity emerges in the 1920's as a countermovement.

German Nazi christians co-opt the evangelical church in Germany, in support of the third reich. Dissenters form the Confessing church, led by Martin Niemoller and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Pope Pius XII negotiates Reichskonkordat with Nazi Germany in 1933, denounces communism, public silence about fate of Jews under Nazi atrocities. World Council of Churches? Evangelical Alliance? World Evangelical Alliance?

A central figure in evangelical christianity, Billy Graham starts leading evangelical crusades starting in 1947. Starts racially integrating in 1953, shares lectern with MLK Jr. in 1957. 1956 Christianity Today, evangelicalism's "flagship" magazine, launched by Billy Graham.

Second Vatican Council and its Aftermath


Roncalli, John XXIII, appointed by the college of cardinals to be a "caretaker" pope, surprised everyone by calling the council. Influenced by calls for examination of church's culpability in the holocaust, the council issues Nostra Aetate re-examining relations between Catholic church and Judaism.

Emerged from the Counterculture of the 1960s.

pianist and singer for the Righteous Brothers, John Wimber converts in 1963, by 1970 is pastoring the Friends Church (Yorba Linda).

1965 book The Kingdom of the Cults (now in 6th printing) partially rehabilitated the reputation of seventh-day adventism among protestants who had previously thought it a heterodox cult.

Authoritarian David Berg "Moses David" starts the post-hippie apocalyptic anti-zionist Children of God (Cult) in 1968 in Huntington Beach, marries his secretary Karen Zerby "Queen Maria" in 1969, communicates to his followers through "Mo Letters" and graphic novels. In late 70's they commend "flirty fishing" religious prostitution. Fleetwood Mac guitarist Jeremy Spencer joins in 1971.

In 1968 Chuck Smith starts Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa after breaking from International Church of the Foursquare GospelCosta Mesa House of Miracles (communal house) started in the same year under his auspices, by his daughter's boyfriend John Higgens, which later became the Shiloh Youth Revival Centers. Higgens also introduced him to Lonnie Frisbee, the "hippie preacher" charismatic evangelist who sublimated his repressed homosexuality into spiritual ecstasies and and led mass youth "revival" gatherings. Wimber also involved.

Calvary Chapel movement grows, launches Maranatha! Music label in 1971 to promote folk-rock style hymns .. Debby Kerner & Ernie Rettino create "Psalty the Singing Songbook".

British New Church Movement

Rainbow gatherings based on a faux-indigenous "prophecy"?

Unification church started by messiah claimant Sun Myung Moon, who holds stadium rallies in U.S., declares self "true father" and leads mass weddings. 2022 Assassination of Shinzo Abe by a disgruntled former member.

1973 JI Packer writes systematic theology Knowing God

1974 First International Congress on World Evangelization organized by Graham, Lausanne movement theologically based Lausanne Covenant.

1978 Richard Foster writes Celebration of Discipline, popularizing Roman catholic spiritual disciplines among protestants.

Wimber teaches "Church Growth" at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena from 1974-78, leads Anaheim Vineyard Church, disputes Smith's dispensationalism and cessationism, breaks from Calvary Chapel in 1982 to promote kingdom theology through signs and wonders: evangelical use spiritual gifts.

A Westside LA church led by Kenn Gulliksen join's Wimber's Vineyard Movement distinctive for using emotive rock-style love songs as worship. "poet-laureate of the American youth" Bob Dylan was born-again at this "Santa Monica Vineyard" church, and subsequently released the Slow Train Coming album.

singer and musician Keith Green releases 1980 album So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt, featuring guest appearance by Dylan. 1985 Vineyard Music label. Vineyard Records UK, Christian Contemporary Music.

evangelical psychologist James Dobson starts Focus on the Family in 1977 and lobbying group Family Research Council in 1981. Christian dominionism and the US religious right. Moral majority. Jerry Falwell, Ralph Reed.

Jimmy Carter was the first President of the United States to publicly declare that he was born-again, in 1976 (in an interview in Playboy magazine).[1] By the 1980 campaign, all three major candidates stated that they had been born again.[2]

Accord Network of evangelical relief & development agencies started in 1977 by World Vision and aligned agencies, including World Concern, Mercy Corps, Medical Teams International, etc. Transformational Development.

Medical missionary and development theorist Daniel Fountain, "Lets Build Our Lives"

90's — present


Rich Nathan leads Columbus Vineyard 1987-2021.

Toronto blessing "revival" in the 90's; Toronto Vineyard kicked out of the movement after Hank Hanegraaff publishes "Counterfeit Revival". Brownsville Revival 1995-2000.

Gen X Emerging church leaders present a vision of post-modern conversational hipster christianity.

Dallas Willard translates Husserl, writes the Divine Conspiracy in 1999 calling for discipleship and centralizing sermon on the mount. Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ in 2002.

Lou Engle is a revivalist and "intercessionary missionary", associated with the Kansas City Prophets, who led "The Call" prayer gatherings.

later with Mike Bickle's International House of Prayer, who teaches the song of songs and the revelation from a perspective of historic premillenialism with the victorious church as bride of christ. Pasadena International House of Prayer.

Rick Warren's 2002 Purpose Driven Life, perhaps inspired by Stephen Covey's 2nd of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1989), "Begin with the End in Mind", although the teleological principle of final cause was first and best described by Aristotle "The end is first in the order of intention, last in the order of action".

2002 Catholic church sexual abuse cases start getting attention, although "open and shameless sodomy" by clergy has been documented since the middle ages. Catholic Church sexual abuse cases by country.

Mel Gibson's 2004 film Passion of the Christ.

Biola scholar William Lane Craig publicly debates the new athiests, and appears to put the fear of God into Dawkins.

Masculinity crisis in evangelical christianity: example Wild at Heart (book).

Ex-gay pastor Andy Comiskey starts teaching conversion therapy at Santa Monica Vineyard, Desert Stream Ministries, Exodus International.

Todd Hunter formerly president of Vineyard association, now bishop with the Anglican communion. NT Wright a prominent theologian and bishop. Bill Jackson (theologian) and historian, "Quest for the radical middle".

Alpha Course

Accountability for 2020 presidential mis-forecasts


Christian "prophet" Jeremiah Johnson apologizes for mis-forcasting Trump 2022, says "I was wrong", enrages followers.[3][4]

Kris Valloton of Bethel church.

See also



  • "History & Legacy". Vineyard USA. Retrieved 2022-06-13.
  • "Home". Lonnie Frisbee. Retrieved 2022-06-13.
  • "Kenn & Joanie Gulliksen". Jesus People Movement Oral History. Retrieved 2022-06-13.
  • Higgins, Thomas W. (2012-01-01). "Kenn Gulliksen, John Wimber, and the Founding of the Vineyard Movement". Pneuma. 34 (2): 208–228. doi:10.1163/157007412X642407. ISSN 0272-0965.
  • Kenn Gulliksen: The Beginnings of the Vineyard | legacy - GARDENS OF HOPE, retrieved 2022-06-13
  • Sabatino, David Di (2005-04-24), Frisbee: The Life and Death of a Hippie Preacher (Documentary), Jester Media, retrieved 2022-06-13
  • Thomas, Daren, The Keith Green Story: Your Love Broke Through (Documentary), SuiteSpot! Post, retrieved 2022-06-13
  • Legacy // An interview with Carol Wimber, Penny Fulton and Bob Fulton., retrieved 2022-06-13
  • "The Quest for the Radical Middle: A History of the Vineyard: Bill Jackson, Todd Hunter: 9780620243193: Books - Amazon". www.amazon.com. Retrieved 2022-06-13.
  • Jackson, Bill (1999). The quest for the radical middle : a history of the Vineyard. David Di Sabatino. Cape Town (PO Box 53286, Kenilworth 7745). ISBN 0-620-24319-8. OCLC 45647065.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location (link) CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  1. ^ Hough, JF., Changing party coalitions, Algora Publishing, 2006, p. 203.
  2. ^ Utter, GH. and Tru, JL.,Conservative Christians and political participation: a reference handbook, ABC-CLIO, 2004, p. 137.
  3. ^ Graham, Ruth (2021-02-11). "Christian Prophets Are on the Rise. What Happens When They're Wrong?". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2022-07-24.
  4. ^ Clark, Heather (2021-01-11). "'I Was Wrong': Jeremiah Johnson Apologizes for False Prophecy Predicting Trump Second Term Win". Christian News Network. Retrieved 2022-07-24.