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User:Jaredscribe/Literary Criticism

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TODO LIST (I've not yet contributed to most of these article)

Aristotle Poetics. Establishes the eirôn as one of the main characters of comedy, along with the alazôn in his Nicomachean Ethics, where he says: "in the form of understatement, self-deprecation, and its possessor the self-deprecator" (1108a12).

Giambattista Vico, first figure of the counter-enlightenment, in the Scienzia Nuova organizes humanities into a single social science that explains why societies rise or fall.

Soren Kierkegaard, The Concept of Irony, The Aesthetic and the Ethical Stages on Life's Way

Harold Bloom the poet suffers from Anxiety of Influence, seeks to escape it through deliberate misprision, becoming a "strong poet" who reflects influence backward.

Derrida coins term differance in engagement with Husserl's phenomenology, in Speech and Phenomena. His method of Deconstruction as against the structuralism of Ferdinand de Saussure

Northrop Frye, archetypal literary criticism

Eric Auerbach Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature

Richard Rorty writes Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity

Robert Nozick refutes ethical hedonism by means of the pleasure machine thought-experiment.