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User:Jignashi/Edicts of Asoka in Brahmi

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Edicts of Asoka in Brahmi

Most of the edicts of Asoka (ca. 269 to 231 BCE) are in Brahmi. Other languages used are Kharosthi, Aramaic and Greek.

An estampage is an impression of the inscription on a rock face. This can be obtained by pressing wet paper into the relief on the rock face.

Estampages of Asokan edicts were prepared by ASI for their publication in a revised Corpus[1].

The following five images are such estampages of the Girnar Rock Edicts. A comparison with Cunningham’s reproductions[2] shows that his copies of the Girnar edicts are not faithful to the incised Brahmi characters. A note describing some of the differences can be seen here.[3] Two digital photographs of the right half of the rock can be seen in the note as well as their author's page on the web.[4]

