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I'm Joshua Elul. I like this site and also these ones.

My main objective on Wikipedia is based on my knowledge of cultural anthropology a.k.a social anthropology.

I also want to make sure that the pages Wikileaks, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and Barrett Brown are free from any vandal attempts.

Visit my homepage here (only if you want to) if you want to know more about me.

The majority of the edits I have made were before I made this account. I also didn't keep track of it. So, sorry.




Minor Edits/Formatting or Reference Checking




little notes I keep that I can constantly update. I've tried all sorts of wikis but just making a subpage seems to work out the best for me.







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I agree to multi-license my text contributions, unless otherwise stated, under Wikipedia's copyright terms and the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license version 1.0 and version 2.0. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under the Creative Commons terms, please check the CC dual-license and Multi-licensing guides.