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jqb6 is a user on several social websites, and under the same username. If you find a guy with this name, it is probably the same guy on each site. Jqb6 does not like his name capitalized, although it is a Proper Noun. He uses several different social sites, like it is posted earlier. jqb6's first account was created on Roblox, on August 28th, 2011. He has a few nicknames, but he prefers these: jqb, jq, although he does NOT prefer jbq, or jb as it makes him feel like people don't know how to read and sometimes it makes him feel dumb. His name is pronounced, phoneticlly, or however you spell that word. Meaning it is pronounced as j-q-b-6. Also he is amuture java and lua programmer, and has started to try C++

Social Sites


jqb6 is on the following social sites, including Wikipedia: Roblox Nick Club Pengiun Wikipedia Armee Francaise Armee Francaise Wiki (link Above)

he joined them in that order and there are some accounts he know he has, but he just can't remember them, and possibly doesn't even know when he joined them

name generating


jqb6 generated his name by first selecting his two favorite letters, J and Q, then picked a random letter, and it turned out to be, b (the comma is very important on that) and then put in his favorite number 6, although for any of his usernames he will refuse to put it 6 6 6 (with no spaces) because it is the mark of the devil, he will usually use 123 instead of 6 if he HAS to.



although he will use on the social sites he uses, the grammar that is, but unlike most users, he does use proper grammar while using these words that don't exist. Now the only lack of Grammar he does have is punctuation, but like ending punctuation, and will sometimes forget to capitalize things he used to have a complete lack of grammar, but when he found out that for somethings he wanted to do, required grammar, that's when he decided to make the switch.



On Roblox, jqb6 is rather very active. He knows when he joined, and is fully aware that he has been on for more than a year. He has had Turbo Builders Club (TBC) once, and now usually gets Builders Club (BC) but for a Gift, he wants Outrageous Builders Club (OBC) for a lifetime, although it does cost over $300 his best friends that he knows in real life on Roblox, consist of Mariann67, Purry11, Trialmaster, and LR8277.

Armee Francaise Wiki


This is a wiki he created, that is powered by Wikia, , and it tells all about a group on Roblox, called , Armée Française which in English translates to French Army

Club Penguin


After his sister joined Club Penguin, he did too, and has had a membership twice, and has a white, black, blue, red, purple, yellow, and green puffle. His favorite places are: Hockey Rink/Soccer Field EPF Only Snowforts Lighthouse



On Nick he has the same username and likes the following things: Power Rangers Samurai Power Rangers Samurai clubhouse, although he is disapointed that they are no longer airing that show, and his Favorite show is Marvin Marvin

Armee Francaise Wiki


This is a wiki he created, that is powered by Wikia, , and it tells all about a group on Roblox, called , Armée Française which in English translates to French Army



His Wikipedia account was created, because he wondered that if you could create pages on Wikipedia, well, this is the only page he can create, well that is it for so far, but that is it for all you need to know on jqb6.



jqb6's favorite thing to make in java is an applet and to make the console say hello world. For example

public class StartingPoint{
     public static void main(String [] args){
          System.out.println("Hello world");


import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;

public class Cake extends Applet implements Runnable {
	int x = 400; 
	int y = 25;
	double dx = 0;
	double dy = 0;
	int radius = 20;
	private Image i;
	private Graphics doubleG;
	double gravity = 15;
	double energylost = .65;
	double dt = .2;

	public void init() {
		//Initialize is only called once
		setSize(800, 600);
	public void start() {
		//Start is always called
		Thread thread = new Thread (this);
	public void run() {
	//thread information	
		while (true) {
			if (x + dx > this.getWidth() - radius - 1) {
				x = this.getWidth() - radius - 1;
				dx = - dx;
			}if(x + dx < 0 + radius) {
				x = 0+radius;
				dx = -dx;
				x += dx;
			if(y > this.getHeight() - radius - 1) {
			try {
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
				// TODO Auto-generated catch block

	public void stop() {
	public void destroy() {
	public void update(Graphics g) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		if (i == null) {
			i = createImage(this.getSize().width, this.getSize().height);
			doubleG = i.getGraphics();
	doubleG.fillRect(0, 0, this.getSize().width, this.getSize().height);
	g.drawImage(i, 0, 0, this);
	public void paint(Graphics g) {
		g.fillOval(x-radius, y-radius, radius*2, radius*2);



PRONOUNCED (Loo-ay) Now, I will try to put a piece of ROBLOX lua, on their, cause that's the only type of lua I know

function hi()
local gui = script.Parent
gui:TweenPosition(UDim2.new("0, 0, 0, 0"), "Out", "Linear", false, 4)
gui:TweenPosition(UDim2.new("100, 100, 100, 100"), "In", "Linear", false, 4)



Well, although I have barely learned anything in C++ yet, here is what I have

# include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
 cout << "Hello world";