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Jack Starmer


Jack Starmer works in the Flow of Funds team within National Accounts at the Office for National Statistics as a sandwich student. In September, he will be returning to university to finish his degree in BA Economics.

Early Life


Jack was born in Nottingham and lived in West Bridgford up until age 18, when he moved to Bristol.



Jack attended the West Bridgford Junior School and the West Bridgford School before studying at the University of West England, Bristol.

Nottingham Council House

Organisation of the flow of funds accounts of the UK


The UK flow of funds accounts will be prepared by the Office for National Statistics in a series of matrices. The first tables are planned to be published in Blue Book 2014, to be released in September 2014.


  • Private non-Financial Corporations
  • Monetary Financial Institutions
  • Other Financial Institutions
  • Insurance Corporations and Pension Funds
  • Local Government
  • UK total economy
  • Rest of the World

Financial Instruments:


Monetary Gold and Special Drawing Rights

Currency and Deposits

  • Currency
  • Transferable Deposits
    • With UK MFIs
    • With Rest of the World MFIs
  • Other deposits

Debt securities

  • Short term debt securities issued
    • by UK Central Government
    • by UK Local Government
    • by UK MFIs
    • MMIs by other UK residents
    • MMIs by rest of the world
  • Long term debt securities issued
    • by UK Central Government
    • by UK Local Government
    • Medium term bonds by UK MFIs
    • Medium and long-term bonds by other UK residents
    • Long term bonds by rest of the world


  • Short term loans
    • by UK MFIs
    • by ROW MFIs
  • Long term loans
    • Direct Investment loans
    • Secured on dwellings
    • Finance leasing
    • Other long term loans by UK residents
    • Other long term loans by rest of the world

Equity and investment fund shares/units

  • Shares and other equity, excluding mutual funds shares
    • Listed UK shares
    • Unlisted UK shares
    • Other UK equity
    • UK shares and bonds issued by other UK residents
    • Shares and other equity issued by the rest of the world
  • Investment fund shares/units
    • UK investment funds' shares
    • Rest of the world mutual funds' shares

Insurance technical reserves

  • Non-life insurance technical reserves
  • Life insurance and annuity entitlements
  • Pension schemes
  • Provisions for calls under standardised guarantees

Financial derivates and employee stock options

  • of which; Financial Derivatives

Other accounts payable / receivable