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Gauntlgrym - Neverwiniter Book 1 (Released October 2010)

Gauntlgrym is the latest novel written by http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R._A._Salvatore set in the Forgotten Realms Campaign world. It follows the continued adventures of Drizzt Do'Urden. This story is set 24 years after the end of Transistions: Ghost King. This story brings back several main characters that have appeared throughout the series, as well as new ones.

Summary The setting of this book opens in the year 1409 DR in the dwarven complex of Mithral Hall. Bruenor Battlehammer sits on his throne and mourns over the loss of his friend Regis and his adoptive daughter Catti-brie. Both of whom were lost to the deadly effects of the Spellplague. Wulfgar has returned to the lands of Icewind Dale and has not been heard from. Bruenor laments over all that has happened since those terrible events. The signing of the Treaty of Garum's Gorge has brought peace to the region. Obould III has inherited the Kingdom of Many-Arrows. And Bruenor still regrets never completing his quest to find the legendary home of the Delzoun dwarves, Gauntlgrym.

Meanwhile Nanfoodle the gnome and Jessa Dribble-Obould the orc hatch a plan to poison Bruenor. Nanfoodle poisons the king’s ale with a potion provided by Jessa. Pwent the battlerager notices something amiss about Nanfoodles' behavior but cannot quite place it. Bruenor drinks the ale and shortly after the entire population of Mithral Hall goes into mourning at the death of their king. Banak Brawnanvil is named Eleventh King of Mithral Hall. Pwent distraught over the death of Bruenor seeks Nanfoodle and Jessa for answers in the hills outside of Mithral Hall. Upon finding he tries to fight an answer out of them. During the fight Bruenor arrives demanding of Pwent what he is doing here instead of at Banak's side. To which Pwent replies that his loyalty lies with Bruenor. It is then revealed that Bruenor faked his death with the help of Nanfoodle and Jessa in order to continue his quest for Gauntlgrym while leaving Mithral Hall in good hands. Drizzt, Bruenor, Jessa, Nanfoodle, Pwent, and Guenhwyvar then leave on their quest.

42 years later in the year 1451 DR the elf warrior Dahlia Sin'felle is engaged in a conversation with her vampire lover Dor'crae. Dhalia has been charged by the Red Wizard of Thay lich Zulkir Szass Tam to go to create a Dread Ring. This is an enchanted area that produces countless undead minions. She is charged to go to Luskan in order to investigate possibilities. Throughout the story are several flashbacks of Dhalia as a child and the cruelties she suffered at the hands of Netherese barbarians and demons. She is impregnated by the teifling Herzgo Alegeni and forced to bear his demon offspring, which she kills soon after it is born while she is still a child herself.

Dhalia is a proficient warrior and uses the break staff weapon Kozah's Needle. This is an eight foot long staff that can be broken into four two foot sections attached by a chain. The break staff can be configured in many ways. It also contains lighting elemental powers. She also wears diamond earrings as a tribute to her lovers. Eight in her left ear to signify her dead lovers (which she killed) and two in her left ear for those still alive. Before leaving on her mission she kills her lover Themerelis. This leaves only the vampire Dor'crae among the living (unliving).

Meanwhile Drizzt, Bruenor, and Pwent have continued to search for Gauntlgrym with no success. Nanfoodle and Jessa stay with them for many years but eventually leave their company. While searching for the lost kingdom they also follow up on rumors of the sanctuary inhabited by a beautiful woman and a halfling. While visiting Clan Battlehammer, Bruenor (traveling under an alias) decides to continue his search for more information. Pwent having become too old and tired decides to stay in Icewind dale.

Herzgo Algeni is in the city of Neverwinter working with the Nethrese and opposing the Ashmadai. Upset that the mayor will not rename a bridge after him, he recalls his chief assassin Barrabus the Grey. Barrabus is described as a dark haired dark eyed man from Memmon. Herzgo scolds Barrabus for letting his appearance slip as this is a sign of a lack of discipline in the assassin. He then instructs Barrrabus to convince the lord of the city to change the bridges name. When Barrabus shows disdain towards Herzgo, he punishes the assassin by means of using a magic fork on the sword he carries. The sword is called Claw and has a blood red blade. The magic attack causes Barrabus much pain. Barrabus is successful in getting the name of the bridge changed.

Dhalia and Dor'crae arrive in Luskan and enter the Illusk. While there they meet the senile lich Valindra Shadowmantle. She informs them that the magical disturbances she has been sent to investigate come from Gauntlgrym. Dor'crae is sent to investigate and returns with news of Gauntlgrym's location. Dhalia realizes that she will need a Delzoun dwarf to access the dwarf kingdom and seeks out Athrogate and his drow friend Jarlaxle and convinces them to accompany her. Herzgo is at odds with the Red Wizards and when he learns of their agents in Luskan he sends Barrabus to investigate.

Dhalia, Dor'crae, Athrogate, Jarlaxle, and Valindra all head towards Gauntlgrym using the underground tunnels. They find the place and are able to enter because of Athrogate's heritage as a Delzoun. They encounter dwarf ghosts while there. Their goal is the Forge of Gauntlgrym at the center of the city, reputed to have crafted the finest items in its hayday. Dor'crae uses a magical device that allows the wizardess Sylora (Dhalia's rival) to follow them from afar. The party is attacked along the way by dire corbies. While engaged Sylora arrives with some henchmen and proceed to attack the party as well. Athrogate is forced to the forge and under the hypnotic powers of Dor'crae and Sylora is forced to throw the lever that will activate the forge. When this happens a fire primordial (ancient being of power) is released.

Dor'crae, Valindra, and Sylora make their escape. Jarlaxle, Athrogate, and Dhalia also make their way back to Luskan. Sylora then seeks out Dhalia and commands her to follow her and serve her under threat of death and Szass Tam's displeasure. Barrabus plans to leave for Luskan. Drizzt and Bruenor still travel the country nearby. At this moment the primordial that has been released causes a volcanic explosion. Venting its rage against living beings it targets Neverwinter and destroys the town. Barabbas is barely able to survive.

Eleven years later in 1462 DR the Dread Ring has been completed thanks to the death and destruction of the primordial's rage. New types of undead stalk the land. The war between the Thayans, the Ashmadai, and the Nethrese escalates. Dhalia is forced to serve Sylora and Barrabus hunts the Ashmadai with great success under orders from Herzgo. Dhalia and Barabbus fight each other in the woods to a standstill. Dahlia’s unorthodox weapon proves too much for Barabbas’s two handed style. Just as Barabbus’s ability to use the environment to perform sneak attacks outmatches Dhalia. Jarlaxle and Athrogate continue to reside in Luskan still seeking a way to avenge themselves for the events that occurred in Gauntlgrym 11 years ago.

The ghost dwarves of Gauntlgrym trying to reseal the primordial spread out across the land searching for dwarves to help. Eventually they arrive in Icewind dale and inform the dwarfs of their plight. They also inform Bruenor of the situation. He and Drizzt then take it upon themselves to fight off the primordial. Jarlaxle meanwhile returns to Menzoberranzan to seek the help of his brother Gromph in sealing away the primordial. Jarlaxle learns that he will need a dwarf king in addition to other magical devices. Dhalia also searches for a way to get back to Gauntlgrym to seal off the primordial, hoping this will lead to her freedom from Sylora. Finding the way blocked, Dhalia seeks out Jarlaxle.

Bruenor deciding where to go next is robbed of his maps in the woods by a drow elf. Drizzt correctly deducing who is behind this leads Bruenor to Luskan in search of Jarlaxle. Dhalia finds Jarlaxle and accepts a magic ring from him. Bruenor and Drizzt arrive at the Cutlass in Luskan. There they are attacked by Ashmodei led by Dhalia. Jarlaxle and Athrogate enter the fight. The four of them beat back the attackers and Dhalia appears to be captured by Jarlaxle's 'wand of goo'. Instead Dhalia uses the ring to fake her death.

Jarlaxle, Athrogate, Dhalia, Bruenor, and Drizzt decide to travel to Gauntlgrym together in an attempt to stop the primordial and hopefully destroy the Dread Ring in the process. The five proceed to Gauntlygrym overland in search of a cave that will lead them down. They are attacked by a group of Ashmodei near the cave. This battle is observed by Dor'crae and Sylora who follow them. Barrabus also witnesses the fight and upon seeing Drizzt is overcome by emotion and retreats without having been seen by anyone.

The five enter Gauntlgrym where upon Bruenor sits upon the dwarf king's throne and is enchanted with divine power. The primordial has summoned many minions from the Elemental Plane of Fire to fight off intruders. Including a small red dragon. Sylora and Dor'crae enter along with a host of Ashmodei. Sylora uses a magical scepter and summons a mighty pit fiend. In order to contain the primordial the five companions must strategically place 10 bowls that contains water elementals in various places throughout the city. Fighting through the city the five companions begin to place the ten bowls. During the fighting dwarves from Icewind Dale and Mirabar (who have also been visited by dwarf ghosts) arrive in order to help seal the primordial.

The companions are able to place nine of the ten summoning bowls and determine that this will due. They then head to the Forge O' Gauntlgrym. Bruenor place his axe and shield into the forge and removes them magically enhanced. The foaming crest on his shield now provides real potions of heroism to the companions. The Ashmodei led by the pit fiend then enter the forge room. Jarlaxle is defeated by the pit fiend. Athrogate and Bruenor move deeper into the city to pull the lever needed to complete the ritual to seal the primordial. And Dhalia and Drizzt are left to fight the Ashmodei. The pit fiend goes after the two dwarves.

Pwent arrives and goes after Bruenor to protect him. Dhalia and Drizzt gain the upper hand until Valindra arrives. The lich is driven away by Jarlaxle who was not defeated but saved by the same ring that allowed Dhalia to fake her own death. Drizzt, Jarlaxle, and Dhalia then go after Bruenor. Athrogate is knocked off the floor onto a ledge near the primordial by the pit fiend. Bruenor is saved from the pit fiend's attack by the arrival of Pwent, who is then defeated by the pit fiend. Bruenor then uses his new found powers to slay the pit fiend. Pwent helps the grievously wounded Bruenor toward the lever. Dhalia enters just in time to see Dor'crae (who has followed them in) tear out Pwent's throat. Dhalia then attacks and drives the vampire off using wooden stakes on her fingers.

Bruenor with dying strength manages to pull the lever and dies of his wounds. The primordial is sealed. The Dread Ring is broken. Jarlaxle manages to help Athrogate escape. Bruenor is buried in Gauntlgrym along with Pwent. Dhalia moves the last earring to her left ear. She plans to face Sylora who avoided the battle. Drizzt out of growing feelings towards her decides to accompany her. Bruenor wakes up in a forest where he is met by Regis and Wulfgar. When he asks of Catti-brie they point into the woods at the form of a dancing woman. "And there were tears of joy, tears of a just reward."