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Coal mining can cause a water pollution called Acid mine drainage (AMD); a metal-rich water formed from the chemical reaction between water and rocks containing sulfur-bearing minerals. (WorldCoalInstitute.org.) While AMD usually forms in areas where coal mining has taken place, metal-rich drainage can also occur in mineralized areas that have not been mined. AMD happens when the pyrite reacts with air and water to form sulfuric acid and dissolves iron. This acid run-off dissolves heavy metals such as copper, lead and mercury into ground and surface water.(WorldCoalInstitute.org.) Through effective mine management methods AMD can be minimized. Also a good mine design can keep water away from acid generating materials and help prevent AMD from occurring.(WorldCoalInstitute.org) There are two ways to get rid of AMD. One way is to install a water treatment plant. First the AMD is dosed with lime to neutralize the acid and then it is passed through a settling tank to remove the sediment and particulate metals. The second way is to develop a self-operating system that can treat the effluent without constant human intervention.(WorldCoalInstitute.org)

The Podesta group (formerly PodestaMattoon) is a government relations and public affairs firm.



Podesta is a DC-based bipartisan firm founded in 1988 by former Republican strategist Dan Mattoon and Tony Podesta. .[1] Podesta specializes in everything from policymaking to political maneuvering. They provide clients with strategic advice. They represent corporations and trade associations as well as local governments and nonprofits. [2]

Some Services Prodesta Provides


If you are in government Relations you may receive help with: administration strategies, legislative strategies, issue management, policy positioning, and corporate responsibility initiatives. If you’re in public affairs: message development, branding and positioning, crisis communications, issue advertising, and media relations and training,[3]just to name a few.



The Podesta Group is set to merge with the Livingston Group[4] to attract some of Washington's largest lobbying campaigns. The joint venture will allow them to better compete against bigger firms for business.






The Steps of Greening Your Fleet First conduct an inventory of the fleet, include the type of vehicle, how many there are of each type, and type and quantity of fuel they use. Second set realistic goals for reducing fuel use, criteria air pollutants, and carbon dioxide emissions for the fleet. Third there are cost effective and practical measures that can "green" your fleet. Like purchasing fuel efficient, alternatively fueled, and electric vehicles. Also you could eliminate fleet vehicles. Many cities and counties have more vehicles than they need in their fleets. By taking these steps Green Fleet can help reduce greenhouse gas pollution, improve air quality, and save money.

A Few Things You Can Do To Green Your Fleet Downsize vehicle. In many local governments sedans are assigned to staff, even though they could probably use a smaller car. Matching duty requirements of staff to the smallest possible vehicle for the task is a critical component of a Green Fleets program. Maximize efficiency. An important step is to ensure that regular maintenance is performed on vehicles. Oil should be changed regularly and tires should be kept at the correct pressure at all times. Optimize vehicle use. Plan task efficiently so multiple task can be done in one trip. Car pool with others. Use bike, transit, or walk whenever possible.

Dan Mattoon From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Dan Mattoon is a former owner of the lobbying firm the Podesta Group. He left in 2006 to create his own firm.


Dan Mattoon has provided political and strategic legislative counsel to House Republican Members for over thirty years. He’s also a trusted advisor to many of the Washington political elite. He was Deputy Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee in 2000 and was able to maintained control of the House of Representatives for the fourth consecutive time since 1920.


Podesta Group profile