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User:Ksoto12/Living room

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Current "Intro":


Updated "Intro":

  • In Western architecture, a living room, also called a lounge room (Australian English), lounge (British English), sitting room (British English), or drawing room, is a room in a residential house or apartment for relaxing and socializing. Such a room is sometimes called a front room when it is near the main entrance at the front of the house. In large, formal homes, a sitting room is often a small private living area adjacent to a bedroom, such as the Queen's Sitting Room and the Lincoln Sitting Room of the White House.
  • After World War I the living room was the least used space in the house, and was referred to as the death room. The term living room was coined in the late 19th or early 20th century by Edward Bok. It is now a term used more frequently when referring to a space to relax and unwind within a household. Within different parts of the world, living rooms are designed differently and evolving, but all share the same purpose, to gather users in a comfortable space.
Louise Rayner, Tudor Style Interior at Haddon Hall, UK, 19th century

Current "Overview":

  • In homes that lack a parlour or drawing room, the living room may also function as a reception room for guests. Objects in living rooms may be used "to instigate and mediate contemplation about significant others, as well as to regulate the amount of intimacy desired with guests." A typical Western living room may contain furnishings such as a sofa, chairs, occasional tables, coffee tables, bookshelves, televisions, electric lamps, rugs, or other furniture. Traditionally, a sitting room in the United Kingdom and New Zealand has a fireplace, dating from when this was necessary for heating. In a Japanese sitting room, called a washitsu, the floor is covered with tatami, sectioned mats, on which people can sit comfortably.

Updated "Overview":

  • In homes that lack a parlour or drawing room, the living room may also function as a reception room for guests. Objects in living rooms may be used "to instigate and mediate contemplation about significant others, as well as to regulate the amount of intimacy desired with guests." A typical Western living room may contain furnishings such as a sofa, chairs, occasional tables, coffee tables, bookshelves, televisions, electric lamps, rugs, or other furniture. Traditionally, a sitting room in the United Kingdom and New Zealand has a fireplace, dating from when this was necessary for heating. In a Japanese sitting room, called a washitsu, the floor is covered with tatami, sectioned mats, on which people can sit comfortably.
    Japanese minimalist interior living room, 19th century
  • They also typically consist of shoji, fusuma,and ramas which allow for the space to be very minimalistic and cohesive as the space allows users to clear their mind into complete Zen. Japanese living room design concepts contradicted UK and New Zealand ideals in the way that Japanese culture believed in warming the person, instead of the home.
  • This consisted of owning a portable hibachi for cooking needs rather than heating needs, meanwhile people in the UK and New Zealand used fireplaces to warm the space and not for cooking needs. Japanese cultural belief systems affected their design characteristics in the way that ornamentation should be minimal while incorporating natural elements.

Current "From Parlour to Living Room":

  • Until the late 19th century, the front parlour was the room in the house used for formal social events, including where the recently deceased were laid out before their funeral. The term "living room" is found initially in the decorating literature of the 1890s, where a living room is understood to be a reflection of the personality of the designer, rather than the Victorian conventions of the day. Football on large color televisions caused larger family rooms to become more popular during the 1970s. The change in terminology is credited to Edward Bok.
Miller House, Mid-century Modern, Columbus, Indiana, 1953-57, "Conversation Pit"

Updated "From Parlour to Living Room":

  • Until the late 19th century, the front parlour was the room in the house used for formal social events, including where the recent deceased were laid out before their funeral. This room had only traditionally been on Sundays or for formal occasions such as the ceremonies of deceased family members before proper burial; it was the buffer zone between the public and private area within the house. Sundays are now more typically used for watching football on large color televisions caused larger family rooms to become more popular during the 1970s. The term "living room" is found initially in the decorating literature of the 1890s, where a living room is understood to be a reflection of the personality of the designer, rather than the Victorian conventions of the day. Only the wealthy were able to afford several rooms within a space such as parlors, libraries, drawing rooms, and smoking rooms.
    Grand Trianon, Palace of Versailles, Commissioned by King Louis XIV, 17th century
    The change in terminology is credited to Edward Bok due to his accreditation of the magazine article, Ladies' Home Journal. The article was specifically targeted to women and provided them with reliance of popular content in relation to home design at an affordable price and Bok's vision of the ideal American household and the roles of the women. Bok strongly believed that the space should be "lived" in rather than having an expensively furnished room that was rarely used within the household. He had promoted the new name to encourage people to use the room in their daily lives as a gathering space.

Added (DELETED) "From Death Room to Living Room":

  • The living room was not always formerly known as the living room. After World War I the living room was the least used space in the house.

Added "The Evolution of the Modern Living Room":

  • Interior designers and architects throughout time have continuously studied users within a space to design to best fit their needs and wants. King of France, Louis XIV’s Palace of Versailles can be considered having one of the most lavishly decorated living rooms in the late 1600s. During King Louis XIV's reign, the architectural Style Louis XIV or Louis Quatorze was established. This style can also be identified as the French Classicism and had an influence on other countries. It included the bold use of marble and bronze materials. Louis XIV worked alongside Louis Le Vau and Augustin-Charles d’Aviler to design appartments de parade, otherwise known as formal rooms that usually consisted of discussing and conducting business matters. They also designed, appartements de commodité, which were rooms that the homeowners could relax and lounge in. This style, known as The Style Louis XV, or Louis Quinze, was designed intentionally to combine formality with a new level of comfort that people were yet to discover.  Charles Étienne Briseux, French architect whose architectural style was prominently Louis Quinze, published L’Architecture moderne in 1728, introduced comfort which later became an obsession to have specific materiality and furnishings within the interior of a space. Its influenced began in Paris, France, and then quickly spread across Europe reaching the attention of the wealthy and lavish.
  • The Industrial Revolution emerged in the late 1700s which completely shifted America from an artisan and handmade process to a society that was dominated by a machine manufacturing industry. This allowed the production of chairs, tables, light bulbs, telegraphs, and radios that allowed society to purchase at a reasonable price to add into their home. The rise of the Industrial Revolution played a huge role in the advancement of the living room because due to mass production, decorative items became more available to the middle class.
  • An example of this evolution is the Miller House designed by Eero Saarinen. Saarinen knew that he wanted to design a living room not only with an appropriate architectural style but to feature "conversation pit" that sunk users to the ground making them feel a bit more "grounded." It encouraged relaxation and conversing which the Miller House was one of the very first spaces to celebrate and introduce the conversation pit. The Miller House's architectural style was known as Mid-century modern, this indicated that it was introduced after World War II between 1945 and 1960. The movement was associated with minimal ornamentation, simplicity, honest materials, and craftsmanship.

Added "Architectural Styles of Living Rooms":


Romanesque (800-200):

  • Thick walls
  • Coffered ceilings
  • Columns
  • Neutral colors

Gothic (110-1450):

  • Stained glass windows
  • Ribbed vaults
  • Ornate decoration
  • Pointed arches

Renaissance (1400-1450):

  • Plasterwork
  • Color and geometric patterns
  • Fine wall paintings
  • Richly decorated

Baroque (1600-1830):

  • Luxuriously decorated
  • Rich color pallete
  • Carved detailing
  • High-end materials

Rococo (1650-1790):

  • Pastel color palette
  • Elaborate ornamentation
  • Sensuous curvy lines
  • Superior craftsmanship

Neoclassicism (1730-1925):

  • Muted hues of color
  • Simple and symmetrical furniture
  • Decorative motifs
  • Geometric patterns

Art Nouveau (1890-1914):

  • Inspiration from nature
  • Flamboyant color pallete
  • Sensuous curvy lines
  • Decorative and ornamental

Beaux Arts (1895-1925):

  • Highly decorative surfaces
  • Focus on symmetry
  • Curves and arches
  • Columns and detailed surfaces

Neo-Gothic (1905-1930):

  • Emphasis on vertical elements
  • Natural lighting
  • Stained glass windows
  • Highly detailed surfaces

Art Deco (1925-1937):

  • Rich colors
  • Bold geometry
  • Decadent detail work
  • Stylized geometric motifs

Modernist Styles (1900-Present):

  • Simplicity
  • Clean lines
  • Natural lines
  • Mixture of bold and neutral colors

Postmodernism (1972-Present):

  • Bold colors
  • Asymmetrical
  • Exaggerated scale
  • Unnatural materials

Neo-Modernism (1997-Present):

  • Angles over curves
  • Monochrome or vibrant
  • Experiment with shapes
  • Use metallic and eco materials

Parametricism (1997-Present):

  • Neutral colors
  • Large in scale
  • Sensuous lines
  • Natural materials



04:34, 25 February 2021 HannahFrandrup Feedback:

  • Your information is very informative. CHECK
  • Your writing style is easy to understand and does not contain a bias tone. CHECK
  • Your recourses seem credible and concise. Great job! CHECK

07:27, 28 February 2021 Jcappotto Feedback:

  • In the section "From Parlour to Living Room" it is stated that the change in terminology is credited to Edward Bok, (linked which was helpful) but maybe add a little bit more as to how he coined that term. Was it in his writing in Ladies Home Journal? It needs context. Without following the link to his page it is not informative. CHECK
  • The last sentence states that only the wealthy could afford spaces such as parlours, libraries, drawing rooms, smoking rooms and servants quarters. The first 4 rooms are all lounges of some sort however servants quarters seems out of place. Servants quarters would not be used for reception or lounging and I feel this type of space is unrelated to the living room and should be removed. CHECK
  • The section "From death room to living room" is confusing. I think it is understood in the previous paragraphs that the room has had several names and has changed over time so the first sentence is redundant. The statement that after WWI it was the least used space could be included elsewhere instead of in a section of its own. CHECK
  • In the section "The Evolution of the Modern Living Room", in the last sentence "leisure" is used as a verb which is incorrect. Perhaps change it to "relax" or similar. CHECK
  • In the section "The Modern Evolution of the Living Room", the 3rd paragraph starts "for example". This is unclear. What is it an example of? The last sentence of this section should be split into 2 sentences or rearranged to read more clearly. CHECK
  • The photos are well done, informative, nicely linked and all have time periods. Overall, the organization of the page is good and understandable. CHECK

21:06, 27 February 2021 Bherrin3 Feedback:

  • Overall, I felt like the edits you are making are going in a great direction. CHECK
  • I like that you discuss different historical factors that led to the living room to be the space as we know it today. CHECK
  • One overall critique for the article would be that at times it seems a bit disjointed. Within the article, you mentioned living rooms in the U.S., U.K., Japan, New Zealand, and France. CHECK
  • For example, how does the Japanese culture/belief system effect their design? CHECK
  • Did King Louis XIV's living room design effect design in the U.K? CHECK
  • Did the Industrial Revolution effect the U.S. and New Zealand in similar ways? CHECK
  • In terms of organization, I think that you would combine the "From Parlour to Living Room" section wit the, "From Death Room to Living Room" section. And if you want to cover the history/function of living rooms in different cultures, maybe you could separate them into different sections? Just a thought that might help with the overall flow of the article. CHECK
  • Like I said, overall I found this to be very informational and it was well cited. I think just thinking about the overall organization of the information could help the article read better. But great work, and I liked your improvements! ~~~~ CHECK
Sources Added: