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The blue marble,The Earth seen from Apollo 17

Earthphilia (from the English word “Earth”, derived from the Greek word “gē” for “Earth”, and the Greek word “philia” for “love”) represents a profound love and pride for Earth, complemented by an appreciation of its entire natural environment.

Definition and Origin of Earthphilia


Earthphilia can be viewed as an extension or manifestation of Biophilia, the innate human affinity for life and nature, proposed by biologist Edward O. Wilson. However, a distinction between the two lies in the inherent nature of their connections. While Biophilia suggests an inborn human connection to life and nature, Earthphilia contends that humans have developed a relationship with the Earth more recently.

Evidence of this contemporary relationship can be witnessed in the Overview Effect, a term popularized by author Frank White. This phenomenon encapsulates the transformative experience astronauts often undergo when observing Earth from space, leading to a profound sense of connection and appreciation for our planet. Iconic images taken by NASA like the 'Blue Marble' and 'Earthrise' further emphasize Earth's fragility and beauty. Indeed, some astronauts have reported a cognitive shift during their space journeys, leading to an even deeper Earth-centric perspective, which can be perceived as a manifestation of Earthphilia.

Examples of Earthphilia.

Earth Day demonstration. Passionate advocates gather in 2010, showcasing their deep love and pride for our planet, emphasizing the importance of cherishing and protecting its natural environment.

Earthphilia can also be expressed through various cultural, historical and media influences that have shaped our perception of Earth. For example:

  • Annual events, such as Earth Day and Earth Hour, that raise awareness and support for environmental protection and sustainability.
  • Music contributions, such as Michael Jackson’s “Earth Song”, which powerfully conveys a message of environmental concern, lamenting the damages caused to the Earth by human actions.
  • Documentary series such as “Planet Earth” that show Earth as a cohesive, interdependent ecosystem that needs to be loved
  • Environmental movements, such as Environmentalism, that advocate for the protection and preservation of the environment on a planetwide scale.
  • Historical concepts, such as Gaia, that personify Earth as a goddess and a living being.

See Also


  1. Wilson, Edward O. (1984). Biophilia: The Human Bond with Nature. Harvard University Press.
  2. White, Frank (1987). The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
  3. Jackson, Michael (1995). Earth Song.
  4. Attenborough, David (2006). Planet Earth. BBC Worldwide.
  5. NASA (2023). The Blue Marble*. https://www.nasa.gov/image-article/blue-marble-view-from-apollo-17/
  6. NASA (2023) Earthrise photo. The Story Behind Apollo 8's Famous Earthrise Photo - NASA Science