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This is my Sandbox for Week 3. I thought I would talk about Gardening Mysteries.

"I haven't much time to be fond of anything, but when I have a moment's kindness to bestow, most times, the roses get it," [1]

Wilkie Collins' The Moonstone features, arguably, the first Sleuth who is a gardener. Police investigator Sergeant Cuff's dedication to crime solving is is only matched by his passion for his roses. He is more famously followed by Hercule Poirot, Nero Wolfe and Cadfael.

I've added a picture of my Agatha Christie Collection. All her works, plays and biography. Also including her 6 romance novels written under the name Mary Westmacott.

A picture of a bookshelf with a collection of Agatha Christie books
  1. ^ Collins, Wilkie (1868). The Moonstone. England: Tinslet Brothers. p. 116. ISBN 9780062227287.