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User:Lpatefield/List of Bloons TD 5 towers

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List of Bloons TD 5 Towers

Towers from BTD5


Dart Monkey


The Dart Monkey is the cheapest tower and is therefore often chosen for the earlier rounds by most players. However, with the release of Fast-Track Mode its usage has gone down. It has short range which grows much longer when upgraded and it throws darts slowly, which can gain popping power or become spiked balls with upgrades. It also can see camo when upgraded to "Enhanced Eyesight", which also grants enhanced range..

Super Monkey Fan Club


The tier 4 upgrade "Super Monkey Fan Club" is an Activated Ability that turns up to 10 Dart Monkeys (including the one who uses the ability) into non-upgraded Super Monkeys for a short duration. However, when you click on one, its upgrades are still that of the Dart Monkey.



The tier 4 upgrade "Juggernaut" allows the Dart Monkey to throw unstoppable spiked balls that do double damage to ceramics and never stop until they hit the edge of the screen. Their popping power is infinite, versus the tier 3 "Spike-o-pult" that can only pop 18 bloons. The ball is much bigger.

Tack Shooter


The Tack Shooter is a 360 degree-firing tower. It shoots tacks within a very short range, which is improved with upgrades, and its tacks can become blades. Its firing speed also increases. The Tack Shooter cannot see camo.

Ring of Fire


The legendary tier 4 "Ring of Fire" is an area burst tower that shoots flames in a circle around it. The flames can roast lead and black but not camo. It is one of the cheapest Tier 4 upgrades.

Blade Maelstrom


In the tier 4 "Blade Maelstrom" a Blade Shooter (tier 3 Tack Shooter) can use the activated ability which hurls blades outwards from the center of the tower in a spiral motion.

Sniper Monkey


The Sniper Monkey has infinite range, which means it can shoot the whole screen, including camo with the "Night Vision Goggles" upgrade; it pops two layers off every bloon it invisibly hits, which increases with upgrades. Its speed also increases. It has a tier 1 upgrade to pop lead, "Full Metal Jacket".

Cripple MOAB


The tier 4 "Cripple MOAB" comes with a power to momentarily stop any MOAB-class bloon; this means MOABs, BFBs, or even ZOMGs, and DDTs in Bloons Monkey City. Because of this it is useful in high levels, but because of its cost it is often not practical.

Supply Drop


A Sniper Monkey upgraded with "Supply Drop" can use this Activated Ability to call in a plane that drops a box that can be moused over for cash. The upgrade's cost is so much more than the profit, however, that by the time you buy the upgrade you will not need the small (≈$600) amount of cash dropped by the plane, so it too is not practical.

Ninja Monkey


The Ninja Monkey shoots shuriken at bloons rapidly. They have a high popping power that increases with an upgrade. The tier 1 upgrade "Seeking Shuriken" grants the shuriken the ability to pop bloons far out of the Ninja Monkey's range. The Ninja Monkey is born with the ability to see camo, but he cannot pop lead without "Flash Bomb".

Sabotage Supply Lines


"Sabotage Supply Lines" gives a Ninja Monkey the Activated Ability to slow all bloons down by 2x that will come out in 20 seconds and all the bloons that are out, too.



"Bloonjitsu" is a better version of "Double Shot". It allows a Ninja Monkey to throw five shurikens at once.

Bomb Tower


The Bomb Tower has long range and launches bombs at bloons. It can pop lead bloons but not black bloons or camo bloons. It can get the upgrade "Frag Bombs" which lets the bombs give off fragments that pop more bloons (including black); and then in the tier 3 "Secondary Bombs" launches six smaller bombs along with the original.

Bloon Impact


This stuns bloons for a couple seconds after hit.

MOAB Assassin


This is an Activated Ability, launching a missile that turns a MOAB into four ceramics, a BFB into four MOABs, and does 1000 damage to a ZOMG.

Ice Monkey


Ice Monkeys are sometimes called the weakest tower, as they need a tier 2 upgrade, namely "Snap Freeze", in order to even pop bloons. They are an area burst tower like the Tack Shooter, but instead of popping, they freeze all the bloons within their very short range momentarily. Frozen bloons are like lead, but only until they are unfrozen. Ice Monkeys can pop leads but not camo bloons.

Viral Frost


This allows any bloon that touches a frozen bloon to become frozen.

Absolute Zero


This Activated Ability freezes all the bloons on the screen except MOAB-class bloons.

Boomerang Thrower


Boomerang Throwers, sometimes known as just Boomerangs, throw boomerangs that pop up to three bloons and come back to the Boomerang Thrower if they did not make their three pops, tracing a circular path. Upgrades include frozen bloon popping("Sonic Boom"), lead popping("Red Hot Rangs"), and greater popping power. X|3 ("Bionic Boomer") Boomerang Throwers are sometimes known as Boomers.

Glaive Lord


The "Glaive Lord" upgrade allows Boomerang Throwers to have two glaives circle around them which can pop bloons. They can still throw glaives, and unlike normal Boomerang Throwers, they can see camo. It also keeps the "Glaive Ricochet" upgrade's benefits.

Turbo Charge


This upgrade is an Activated Ability that increases the speed of the Boomerang Thrower for 30 seconds.

Glue Gunner


A Glue Gunner will shoot glue at bloons. It has a long range. Its glue slows bloons. The Glue Gunner's upgrades include "Corrosive Glue", which pops bloons. This speeds up with further upgrades. It cannot see camo.

Bloon Liquefier


With "Bloon Liquefier" the glue can pop bloons ten times every second.

Glue Striker


The "Glue Strike" ability glues all bloons on the screen. It is effectively almost the same as "Absolute Zero".

Monkey Buccaneer


Monkey Buccaneers are one of the only towers that can be placed on water. They shoot a dart that can pop 5 bloons. They have a long range. They can see camo with the "Crow's Nest" upgrade.

Aircraft Carrier


This spawns miniature Monkey Aces that have machine guns in the front as well as a circle shot. They often cover the screen with darts. This now only shoots grapes. It has infinite range.

Monkey Pirates


This Activated Ability reaches out with a grappling hook that grabs a MOAB or BFB and hauls it in, destroying it completely.

Monkey Ace


A Monkey Ace flies over the track in an 8, o, or ∞ shape. It shoots six darts in a circle around itself often as it flies. The darts become twelve with the "Operation: Dart Storm" upgrade. It cannot pop lead at the start, but "Pineapple Present" allows it to drop Pineapples and both Tier 4 upgrades can pop lead. It needs "Spy Plane" for camo.



Shoots rapid-fire bombs and darts. Has no targeting options, so it attacks random bloons.

Ground Zero


This Activated Ability drops a Super Monkey Storm-like bomb, doing 350 damage to all bloons on the screen.

Mortar Monkey


The Mortar Monkey has infinite range. It can be set to shoot at a certain spot. Its projectiles are explosives. It can pop all bloons except black.

The Big One


This makes much larger explosions which can pop through 5 layers of bloon. In Bloons TD 4, it popped through two layers, being the only upgrade to do that at the time.

Artillery Battery


It shoots 3x as fast and gives the "Pop and Awe" ability. That stops all bloons on screen while bombarding them with missiles. It does not affect MOAB-class bloons.

Dartling Gun


The Dartling Gun's fast darts are controlled by the mouse; they shoot at the mouse. However, their speed makes them inaccurate.

Ray of Doom


As one of the most powerful upgrades in the game, the Ray of Doom is a solid beam, without gaps like those between lasers.

Bloon Area Denial System


This is abbreviated as the "BADS", which shoots 3 missiles in a spread shot. It also has an Activated Ability that shoots a missile towards the nearest 100 bloons on the screen.

Spike Factory


The Spike Factory throws spikes around itself randomly in its range. It has speed upgrades. It needs "White Hot Spikes" to pop lead. It can pop camo.

Spiked Mines


Spiked balls explode when they lose all their spikes now, and also instead of just disappearing when they wear out (either a time limit or the next round) they explode. The explosions can set bloons on fire.

Spike Storm


This Activated Ability covers the entire track with a thick layer of spikes. It can be combined with more Spike Storms for more spikes.

Super Monkey


The Super Monkey shoots darts at a very fast speed. It is the most expensive tower. It has long range.

Temple of the Monkey God


As the most expensive upgrade in the game, the Temple is the favorite of many players. It sucks up all towers around it and uses some of their powers. It does not keep Abilities, however.

Technological Terror


The "Technological Terror" has an Activated Ability to destroy all bloons around itself. It looks different from the Robo Monkey, but it is unknown whether it is better or not.

Monkey Apprentice


Usually called a Wizard, a Monkey Apprentice can shoot magical bolts, with powerful upgrades that give it more spells.

Tempest Tornado


This blows bloons back and pops bloons one layer as well.

Summon Phoenix


An Activated Ability, "Summon Phoenix" uses a "Dragon's Breath" within a huge flying bird that flies in circles that is created.

Monkey Village


These help towers in their radius, with upgrades to improve it. It begins with the power to lower the cost of a tower and its upgrades in its range.

Energy Beacon


This creates a weapon atop the Monkey Town which on the Flash version uses red lightning and on Mobile is blue lightning.

M.I.B. Call To Arms


This Activated Ability speeds up every tower in its radius 2x for 30 seconds.

Banana Farm


Banana Farms create bananas that you can mouse over for money.

Banana Research Facility


This produces 10 boxes each round. Each is worth $300.

Monkey Investments Advisory


This generates $1000 each round, with 20% interest. It can hold up to $20,000.

Towers from BTD5 Mobile


Monkey Engineer


It fires a nail gun and has upgrades to create sentries which use nail guns too. It cannot see camo or pop lead. "9-Inch Nails" allows it to pop frozen. Its Tier 3 Specialty Building upgrade lets it pop lead.

Bloon Trap


This creates a blue trap on a random spot on the trap within range that eats up to $500-$650 worth of bloon, draining MOAB-class bloons, then begins blinking the next round. When blinking you can click it for money, or you can get money after 10 seconds of blinking. Then it places another trap.



After activating this ability, you tap a tower and it is speeded up for 20 seconds.

Heli Pilot


Heli Pilots use darts to pop bloons. They have these targeting options: Follow Touch (goes where you click), Patrol (goes back and forth between two points, which you then set in a similar way to the Mortar Monkey's attack spot), Lock In Place (does not move), and Pursuit (follows first bloon, needs tier 2 upgrade to unlock).

Apache Dartship


As a very powerful upgrade, "Apache Dartship" gives the Heli Pilot a machine gun and a rapid-fire missile launcher. Two of these set to Pursuit can beat MOAB Madness.

Support Chinook


This gives two Activated Abilities. One can move a tower, and the other drops a "Supply Drop" crate of alternating money and lives.



A Bloonchipper sucks up bloons and pops them one layer. It then shoots them out its back and sucks them up again. It has a short range. It cannot pop camo and can pop lead with "Heavy Duty Suction".

Super Wide Funnel


This lets the Bloonchipper suck up MOAB-class bloons.



This ability sucks all the bloons to the Bloonchipper and holds them there until they are sucked in.

Monkey Sub


The Monkey Sub shoots homing darts. It has an upgrade to shoot bloons in the range of other towers.

Bloontonium Reactor


"Bloontonium Reactor" improves the Submerged targeting option.


