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  1. Go to the Google apis console
  2. If this is your first time, click "Create project...".  Otherwise, click on the drop down under the "Google apis" logo at the top left, and click "Create..." under "Other projects".
  3. Click on "API Access", and then on "Create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID...".
  4. Enter a product name and click "Next".
  5. Select "Service Account" and click "Create client ID".
  6. Make note of the "Email address" shown under "Service account".  It will be used later by the application configuration.
  7. Click "Download private key" and close the window.  Save the private key in a secure place.
  8. Click "Services" in the left-side navigation, find the "Admin SDK" service in the list on the right, and click on its "Off" button until it becomes a green "On" button.  Do the same with the "Groups Settings API" service.
  9. Unlike other services, these services need to have a special user permitted to use them.  To create a special "Super Admin" user for this purpose:
    1. Go to the Google Admin site.
    2. Click on the icon for "Users".
    3. In the "Filters" column on the right of the page, expand the "Google Admins" section, then click on the "MCommunity Drivers" item.
    4. On the left side of the page, you need to choose a user to specify in the app.  If none exists, you should create one with a "Super Admin" role.  This user's email address will be used in the application configuration later.
  10. Manage OAuth key settings:
    1. Go to https://admin.google.com/SetupOAuth
    2. Check the box for "Enable this consumer key" in the "OAuth consumer key" section for the domain (e.g. "collab.its.umich.edu")
    3. Check the box for "Allow access to all APIs" in the "Two-legged OAuth access control" section.
    4. Click the "Save changes" button
  11. Manage API client access:
    1. Go to https://admin.google.com/ManageOauthClients
    2. In the "Client Name" field, enter the service account ID (not the email address)
    3. In the "One or More API Scopes" field, enter exactly this string: https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.group,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/apps.groups.settings
    4. Click the "Authorize" button
  12. In the file_name_here.properties file, specify these values, from above:
    1. google.user=Super Admin user email address
    2. private.key.filename=filename of the downloaded private key
    3. account.id=Service Account email address
    4. application.name=an informative name which will appear in logs, like "mcomm-webapp/1.0"

Graph example


From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photovoltaics#Economics

Source: Apricus[1]

  1. ^ "Insolation Levels (Europe)". Apricus Solar. Archived from the original on 17 April 2012. Retrieved 14 April 2012.