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User:Luis150806/Let-set calculus

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The let-set calculus is a variant of the lambda calculus where two reserved words are defined: let and set. Any other word can be used as a variable. The terms are built from let, set and variables from application.

Reserved words and substitution metaoperation




let is a function taking three arguments, A, B and C, that returns (A[x := C]) (B[x := C]).



set is a function taking three arguments, A, B and C, that returns (C[A := B])

Substitution metaoperation


The substitution metaoperation is similar to the β-reduction in the lambda calculus and is represented as term[var := value].

  1. (A B)[var := value] → (A[var := value] B [var := value])
  2. var[var := value] → value
  3. othervar[var := value] → othervar
  4. (let A B)[x := value]let A B
  5. let[var := value]let
  6. set[var := value]set

Converting lambda terms to let-set


The algorithm has two steps: lambda cleanup and abstraction elimination.

Lambda cleanup


x is used as a special name in let, so it cannot appear in the lambda term. For that, α-conversion should be used.

Abstraction elimination


Abstraction elimination is defined as a metaoperation T[term] with a helper metaoperation C[var, term]

  1. T[(t1 t2)] → T[t1] T[t2]
  2. T[λv.E] → let (set v x) T[E]
  3. T[λv.λu.E] → T[λv.T[λu.E]]
  4. T[E] → E (if E has no abstractions)

A practical example


The term (λy.λf.f y) in let-set calculus is (let (set y x) (let (set f x) (f y))).

  • T[λy.λf.f y]
  • T[λy.T[λf.f y]] (by rule 3)
  • T[λy.let (set f x) T[f y]] (by rule 2)
  • T[λy.let (set f x) (f y)] (by rule 4)
  • let (set y x) T[let (set f x) (f y)] (by rule 2)
  • let (set y x) (let (set f x) (f y)) (by rule 4)

When this term is applied to two terms A and B (substitutions done in one step):

  • let (set y x) (let (set f x) (f y)) A B
  • set y A (let (set f x) (f y)) B
  • let (set f x) (f A) B
  • set f B (f A)
  • (B A)

The Y combinator


The Y combinator transforms into let (set f x) ((let (set g x) (g g)) (let (set s x) (f (s s)))).

When applied to a function F:

  • let (set f x) ((let (set g x) (g g)) (let (set s x) (f (s s)))) F
  • set f F ((let (set g x) (g g)) (let (set s x) (f (s s))))
  • let (set g x) (g g) (let (set s x) (F (s s)))
  • set g (let (set s x) (F (s s))) (g g)
  • let (set s x) (F (s s)) (let (set s x) (F (s s))) [reduced form of (Y F)]
  • set s (let (set s x) (F (s s))) (let (set s x) (F (s s)))
  • F (let (set s x) (F (s s)) (let (set s x) (F (s s)))) [equals F(Y F), therefore proving the equality]

