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Macedonia2025 is a non government, not-for-profit think tank that works to promote the Republic Macedonia as an investment destination, develops linkages between the business community in the country and the Macedonian Diaspora (Macedonian: makedonski iselenici) and provides educational programs for entrepreneurs and business executives.

The vision of Macedonia2025 is to help create a prosperous economic climate in Republic of Macedonia by improving opportunities for entrepreneurs, domestic companies and foreign investors. Since the opening of the office in Skopje in 2011, Macedonia2025 has engaged with more than 3000 people through its events and programs.



Macedonia2025 was initiated by the Macedonian-Canadian entrepreneur John Bitove Sr., who saw the need for a Macedonian diaspora organization dedicated to stimulate economic development in Republic of Macedonia. The organization was founded by John Bitove Jr., Mike Zafirovski and Mitre Kutanovski. The current Chairman is Robert Arsov, a Macedonian-American working in finance, who succeeded the chairmanship from Mike Zafirovski.

The Board of Directors and other notable Macedonians finance the work of the organization from their private money.

Promoting Investment


Members of the Board and supporters of the organization have introduced to international companies the potentials of Republic of Macedonia for opening production facilities or opening of offices. Representatives of Macedonia2025 have participated in business forums in North America and the organization has held a number of networking receptions in and outside of Republic of Macedonia.

Educational Programs


Macedonia2025 provides several educational programs that are organized in cooperation with renowned business schools in the United States and Canada, such as Ivey Business School and Schulich School of Business in Canada and the Kellogg School of Management in the United States.

Business executives and entrepreneurs can apply to attend Executive Study Tour which takes participants on business shadowing internships with companies in Canada.

Diaspora Engagement


One of the goals of Macedonia2025 is to stimulate cooperation between Macedonians around the world and companies in the Republic of Macedonia. The Leaders Club, consisting of young professionals in Macedonia and around the world, make their contribution to the organization's mission and goals by promoting the country and its potentials to their professional networks abroad.

In 2015 Macedonia2025 held a fundraising dinner in Columbus, Ohio where Macedonians and their friends from the United States and Canada donated funds to the organization's educational initiative.

