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Russia and the 4th dimension

The 4th dimension had a great impact on Czarist Russia during the late 1800s and the early 1900s. It begun with the Russian mathematician, P. D. Ouspensky. His work influenced society to such a great extent that Fyodor Dostoyevsky, a Russian novelist and philosopher, had the protagonist, Ivan Karamazow, from The Brothers Karamazov hypothesize on the theory of Non-Euclidean geometry and higher dimensions during a religious conversation.

The Bolshevik Revolution:

The theories of the 4th dimension even effected the Bolshevik Revolution. Ernst Mach, a German philosopher and physicist, wrote deeply about the 4th dimension and the property of matter, radioactivity, discovered recently by Henri Becquerel. The Otzovist faction, also known as "God-builders" which developed within the Bolshevik faction, would often quote him when countering against the other Bolshevik faction's religious and spiritual views. Due to the opposing views, the Bolsheviks split into different groups.

Vladimir Lenin:

During his exile, Vladimir Lenin wrote extensively on the 4th dimension and the possibilities of higher dimensions in his novel, Materialism and Empirio-Criticism. He justifies dialectal materialism from the recent theories of metaphysics and mysticism