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User:Maliah200566/Kampung Parit Patah

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Kampung Parit Patah is a small residential village that located about three kilometres from the town of Pontian Kechil. It is in the district of Pontian which is in the state of Johor in Malaysia. If you are driving from the town towards the village, you will be passing through residential area namely Kampong Parit Mesjid. The others adjacent residential areas are Kampong Parit Bangkok, Kampong Parit Kudus and Kampong Parit Semerah.

Kampung Parit Patah is explored in year 1902 by Javanese peoples of Indonesia. It became a small village. It was led by a man named Marto. But, later changed his name to Haji Marzuki bin Merah after he performed his pilgrimage in Mecca. He became chief of the village. During the time led by him, many other explores came to the village including Bugis and Chinese. The villagers planted the rubber trees, areca nut, and coconut trees for their living. All the peoples were united and it was a very harmony situation where everyone gathered their hands to gradually develop the village.

There was a very generous Chinese businessman or also known as ‘Taukeh’ in the village. His name was Tan Ting Seng. All the goods such as rubber, areca nuts and coconuts are sold to the ‘Taukeh’. During that time, all goods and other necessities were transported in a small boat via a small stream.

When the villagers who had land to plant rubber trees received ‘Rubber Voucher’ during British government, they were very happy because it was able to improve the development of the village. The happiness and harmonies were brightened.

The Japanese entered the village in 1942 during World War 2. The Japanese surrendered in 1945, and British ruled back in 1946. When curfew was implemented during British Military Administration (BMA), most of Chinese in the village had moved to the town. Only a few Chinese returned to the village after curfew was stopped. Continuously, the villagers gathered their hands developed the village.

In era 1950’s, the rubber price was highly increased that motivated the villagers worked harder for advancing the village.

In year 1954, Tuan Haji Marzuki together with the excellent cooperation of the villagers built a small public school called ‘Sekolah Rakyat’ in his land. Before he died in 1961, he had reserved the land to the school as his will. The school has been rebuilt and now has been changed to Sekolah Kebangsaan Parit Patah.

After Tuan Haji Marzuki passed away, his son-in-law, an active person named Marsin bin Semo became his successor. He never gave up met the government representative for red soil application and had succeed. Again, the villagers gathered their hands to build the road to the village. He, then without hesitate applied for tap water and electricity to the village.

