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Harlem Village Academies (HVA) was founded in 2001 as a charter school with the support of leaders in education, community, business, finance, real estate, public service, and academia. The founding team conducted extensive best practices research, visiting the highest performing schools in the country. The school's founder and CEO is Dr. Deborah Kenny.

Harlem Village Academies was the first organization in New York State to receive two simultaneous charters, unanimously approved by the State University of New York as well as by the New York Board of Regents. The flagship school, Harlem Village Academy, opened in September, 2003, the second school, Harlem Village Academy Leadership opened in September, 2004, and the High School opened in September, 2007.

The school's core mission is to develop students of fine character who graduate from college and make a positive contribution to society.

HVA Core Strategy


In 2001, HVA developed a dramatic new approach to education reform. HVA did not start with a "school design" to be imposed on teachers; rather it set out to design a school for teachers. HVA believed that teachers, not programs, are the key drivers of student achievement - and by tapping into the knowledge, talent and passion of teachers, HVA could achieve ground-breaking results.[2] HVA calls this strategy "Schools Designed for Teachers."

HVA founder and CEO Deborah Kenny

Developing People


Teacher Support


Our vision of professional development is inspired by the Japanese practice of Kounaikenshuu, in which teachers design, test, discuss, and continually improve curriculum and instruction.[4] Professional development at Harlem Village Academies is not a series of workshops that interrupt the flow of the school year. Rather, it is integrated with instruction and assessment. Teachers collaborate in department teams to look at student work together, co-plan lessons, analyze assessment data, share best practices and refine instructional strategies. Teacher talent is developed through instructional coaching, data-driven feedback, and the opportunity for peer observation. In addition, every year teachers participate in Summer Institute - an incredible learning experience that is designed and improved annually with teacher input.



A school that empowers teachers unleashes passion and engenders exceptional performance. Our teachers' ideas are respected and teacher voice is central to all that we do. Teachers are entrusted to make important decisions about curriculum, lesson plans and instructional methods. Virtually all of our academic and behavioral systems and programs have been created by our teachers.



At Harlem Village Academies, teachers are held accountable for what students learn. They provide clearly defined student learning outcomes, along with the support and resources to achieve them. Their performance-based compensation system and culture of accountability attracts talented, deeply committed educators who are passionate about educational excellence.

HVA In the News


Teacher Quality Manifesto

Interview with John Legend and Deborah Kenny

Charter Schools Get The Test Scores Up

Where the Bar Ought to Be

Harlem School is "Poster Child" for US

Video of HVA on NBS Nightly News


