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Why Use Wikipedia as LMS?


Lovis Corinth-Trojanisches pferd

Addressing the the problems


Reassessing the main problems at hand, the class, I felt, suffered from a division and fragmentation. There were our traditional class activities, and then additionally there was an experimental Wikipedia portion. In student minds those tasks were mutually exclusive and were only done one at a time. Problematically, I recognized that mindset was was a false dichotomy; Wikipedia editing and learning about Piracy, aren’t natural enemies. Recalling a favourite Wikipedia anti-rule “Ignore All Rules" I saw a solution in re-purposing project space to use Wikipedia as PoP’s entire Learning Management System. We were going to conduct every online aspect of the class in Wikipedia, and in that way PoP would be the Trojan Horse carrying the students past the gates into Wikipedia. The twist occurs in that, inversely, the students would be tricked upon arrival.
