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Sabino Polikarpo Arana Goiri, self-styled Arana ta Goiri'taŕ Sabin (Spanish: Sabino Arana, 26 January, 1865 - 25 November 1903) was a Spanish Basque political scientist, writer, ideologist and linguist. Founder of the Basque Nationalist Party, Arana is considered to be the father of Basque nationalism.

Coming from a Carlist family[1], Sabin Arana published Bizkaya por su independencia ("Biscay for its independence") in 1892 outlying his ideas for the independence of the Basque Country and establishing the foundations of Basque nationalism. His subsequent works explored the topics of Catholicism in a Basque context, Basque patriotism and Basque linguistics, conducting numerous philological studies of the langage and developing a standardised written form of the Basque language he called "clean Basque" (euskara garbia).[2] Sabino Arana is credited with setting the foundations of what in the 20th century would grow to become the Basque nationalist movement, being the author of numerous books exploring the topic and several hundred newspaper articles. Sabino Arana is also the creator of the Basque flag Ikurrina and the Basque anthem. He is also attributed the coining of the term Euzkadi (now Euskadi), one of the terms for the Basque Country.

Sabino Arana was imprisoned by the Spanish authorities, as he had been charged with rebellion after attempting to send a telegram to American president Theodore Roosevelt in which he congratulated him and praised the United States for helping Cuba gain independence from Spain. Arana fell ill during his time in prison with Addison's disease, eventually dying at the age of 38 in the Basque coastal town of Sukarrieta.


  1. ^ Kintana Goiriena, Jurgi (2007). Sabino Arana Goiri (1865-1903). Euzkadiren Aita, Biografiak. Donostia: Elkar.
  2. ^ Pagola, Inés (2006). Neologismos en la obra de Sabino Arana. Euskaltzaindia.