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About me[edit]

I have a keen interest in the history of Choson Korea, focusing on the 16th-18th Century, covering areas from politics, military to culture and philosophy. I contributed in both the Chinese and English Wikipedia.

If anyone needs help in reading Chinese text in history references (i.e. Sillok [Veritable records]), please feel free to post on my talk page.

My Entries (Creation)[edit]

(1) Princess Hwahyeop (2008)
(2) 和协翁主 (2008)
(3) 和平翁主 (2008)
(4) 申光绥 (2010)
(5) 仁元王后 (2010)
(6) 闲中录 (2010)
(7) 仁显王后传 (2010)
(8) 景嬪朴氏 (2010)
(9) 贞圣王后 (2010)
(10) 禹君則 (2011)
(11) 和顺翁主] (2013)
(12) Princess Hwapyeong (2017)

My Entries (Major Contribution)[edit]

(1) 光海君 (2012)