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The FIDA principle: A narrow indicator zone is introduced into a capillary under hydrodynamic flow. When the indicator is not bound, a narrow peak is observed at the detector. However, when the indicator is bound by the target analyte, the apparent size increases and a broader peak is observed. This change in size can be used for determine the analyte concentration and interaction[1] - Published by The Royal Society of Chemistry.

Flow Induced Dispersion Analysis (FIDA) is an immobilization-free technology used for characterization and quantification of biomolecular interaction and protein concentration under native conditions[1]. In the FIDA assay, the size of a ligand (indicator) with affinity to the target analyte is measured. When the indicator interacts with the analyte the apparent size increases and this change in size can be used to determine the analyte concentration and interaction[1][2]. Additionally, the hydrodynamic radius of the analyte-indicator complex is obtained. A FIDA assay is typically completed in minutes and only requires a modest sample consumption of a few µL[1].





The FIDA principle is based on measuring the change in the apparent size (diffusivity) of a selective indicator interacting with the analyte molecule[1][2]. The apparent indicator size is measured by Taylor Dispersion Analysis in a capillary under hydrodynamic flow[4].


  1. ^ a b c d e Poulsen, Nicklas N.; Andersen, Nina Z.; Østergaard, Jesper; Zhuang, Guisheng; Petersen, Nickolaj J.; Jensen, Henrik (2015-06-15). "Flow induced dispersion analysis rapidly quantifies proteins in human plasma samples". The Analyst. 140 (13): 4365–4369. doi:10.1039/c5an00697j. ISSN 1364-5528.
  2. ^ a b Jensen, Henrik; Østergaard, Jesper (2010-03-31). "Flow Induced Dispersion Analysis Quantifies Noncovalent Interactions in Nanoliter Samples". Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132 (12): 4070–4071. doi:10.1021/ja100484d. ISSN 0002-7863.
  3. ^ Poulsen, Nicklas N.; Pedersen, Morten E.; Østergaard, Jesper; Petersen, Nickolaj J.; Nielsen, Christoffer T.; Heegaard, Niels H. H.; Jensen, Henrik (2016-09-20). "Flow-Induced Dispersion Analysis for Probing Anti-dsDNA Antibody Binding Heterogeneity in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients: Toward a New Approach for Diagnosis and Patient Stratification". Analytical Chemistry. 88 (18): 9056–9061. doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.6b01741. ISSN 0003-2700.
  4. ^ Taylor, Sir Geoffrey; S, F. R. (1953-08-25). "Dispersion of soluble matter in solvent flowing slowly through a tube". Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A. 219 (1137): 186–203. doi:10.1098/rspa.1953.0139. ISSN 0080-4630.