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User:Mrudhuhas/Area image compression

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Area image compression new article content ... It is a technique in which area coherence i.e, the ability of the pixels in the adjacent area to exhibit similar characteristics, can be achieved. A non-deterministic, divide conquer warnock's algorithm can also be used part from considering the image in field-size blocks of pixels chosen in accordance with the order of scan lines.


(1) calculate the average intensity value of the 8*8 pixels block by dividing all the sum of all the intensity values by 64 (2) Turncate it to get an integer. (3) substract the average intensity from each pixel intensity to obtain the differential image. (4) the first image in the differential image is the average intensity value, storing the average intensity value increases the amount of required storage but generates additional ability.

The amount to which the data is compressed depends on the encoding technique used and on the characteristics of the image

