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User:Mthibode/Books/Info Theory

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Information Operations Theory

Information warfare
John Locke
Thomas Paine
Edward Bernays
Elihu Root
Ivy Lee
Mikhail Bakhtin
Gregory Bateson
Walter Benjamin
Ernest Bormann
Martin Buber
Stuart Hall (cultural theorist)
Kenneth Burke
Robert C. Craig
Leon Festinger
Hans-Georg Gadamer
George Gerbner
Søren Kierkegaard
George Herbert Mead
Charles Sanders Peirce
I. A. Richards
Carl Rogers
Aaron Lynch
Claude Shannon
Warren Weaver
Marshall McLuhan
Norbert Wiener
Paul Watzlawick
Neil Postman
Committee on Public Information
Council on Foreign Relations
Think tank
Office of Strategic Influence
The Engineering of Consent
The Century of the Self
Critical theory
Ecological Systems Theory
Social influence
Social ecological model
Crowd psychology
Psychological operations
Face Negotiation Theory
Four sides model
Coordinated Management of Meaning