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User:Mustafahakim/Mohammad Hakim

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Mohammad Hakim New article name goes here new article content ... Mr. Mohammad Hakim holds a Baccalaureate degree from Esteklal High School, Kabul Afghanistan. He went to Switzerland to pursue higher education. He obtained Bachelors and Masters of Art in Economics and Commerce from the University Of Lausanne, Switzerland. He began his career with Da Afghanistan Bank (Central Bank of Afghanistan) and served as Director in the Foreign Relation Dept. in 1959. He promoted to Director General of the Treasury and Executive and served in that post until 1962. In 1966, he was appointed as the head of the National Bank (Bank Millie) branch in London. In 1972, he was appointed as First Deputy Governor of the Central Bank and in 1973, as in charge, acting Governor and subsequently, Governor of the Afghanistan Bank. His signature in Afghan bank notes as Governor of Afghanistan Bank is available. In 1981, he was appointed as Advisor in the Economic and Financial affairs to the Ministry of Finance. In 1985, he was appointed as Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Afghanistan. In 1990, he was appointed as Minister of Finance in Mr. Khaliqyar's cabinet. His signature in Afghan bank notes as Minister of Finance is available. In 1992, after Mujahidin took over the power in Afghanistan, he was acting Finance Minister. In 1993, he was appointed again as the Governor of Da Afghanistan Bank (Central Bank of Afghanistan). His signature in Afghan bank notes as Governor of Afghanistan Bank is available. In 1994, Mr. Hakim was appointed as Minister Counselor, Charge d'affaires of the Islamic State of Afghanistan in Washington. Mr. Hakim retired in 1995 and lived in California. In 2013, he passed away due to a prolonged illness in Anaheim, California.


